

单词 信服
释义 信服1. to be convinced信服 xìnfúcompletely accept; be convinced信服xìnfúto have faith into believe into have confidence into respect信服be convinced这是难以令人信服的。 This carries no conviction.信服 xìn fú completely accept; be convinced:  令人信服的论据 convincing argument; argument that carries conviction;  使某人信服 convince sb. of sth.;  他的话令人信服。 His words carried conviction.  这些论点以事实为根据, 令人不得不信服。 The arguments are founded on facts and compel conviction. 信服 [xin4fu2], v.t., see [xin4feng4]↑.信服[xìn fú] 相信并佩服 completely accept; be convinced:这些科学论据实在令人信服。These scientific arguments are really convincing.信服a.convinced确信的,信服的;有坚定信仰的n.conviction说服;信服vt.convince使确信,使信服,说服phr.fetch round使同意,使信服信服1. to completely accept; to be convinced2. persuasiveness; persuasion国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞确信--信心--信服信服completely accept; be convinced♦ 令人~的论据 convincing argument; argument that carries conviction英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞CONFIDENCE英華☞BELIEVING英華☞CREDENCE英華☞BELIEVE英華☞CONFIDE英華☞CREDIT英華☞FAITH




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