

单词 信天游
释义 信天游 xìntiānyóua kind of Shaanxi local melody信天游xìntiānyóua style of folk music of Shaanxi信天游folk songs from northern Shaanxi信天游 xìn tiān yóu a kind of Shanxi local melody信天游[xìn tiān yóu]陕北民歌中一类曲调的总称。一般是两句一段,短的只有一段,长的接连数十段。用同一曲调反复演唱,反复时曲调可以灵活变化。rambles in the sky - the name of a number of tunes used for the folk songs of northern Shaanxi. Usually two sentences in a paragraph, a short tune has only one paragraph, while a long one may have scores of paragraphs, sung to the same tune repeatedly. When it is repeated, the tune may change flexibly.




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