

单词 保险
释义 文馨英漢☞保險保险 bạ̌oxiǎnI n.insuranceII s.v.safeIII v.1) ensure that2) insure; be insured你的车保险了没有? Is your car insured?保险bǎoxiǎninsuranceto insuresafesecurebe surebe bound toCL:份[fèn]保险保险事业insurance社会保险 social security人寿保险 life insurance养老保险 pension人身保险 personal accident insurance财产保险 property insurance失业保险 unemployment insurance待业保险 unemployment insurance火灾保险 fire insurance海上保险 marine insurance保险业务 insurance business保险公司 insurance company保险期限 period of cover保险赔偿金 insurance indemnity保险索赔 insurance claim保险受益人 beneficiary医疗保险制度 medical insurance system职工医疗保险制度 workers' medical insurance system可靠;安全assure; safe保险玻璃 safety glass保险装置 safety device关上手枪的保险 put on the safety catch这样比较保险一些。 This way is safer.参见:保证路上保险不会出事故 I guarantee that no accidents will occur on the road保险 bǎo xiǎn (以集中起来的保险费建立保险基金, 用于补偿各种原因造成的损失的一种方法) insure; guarantee; insurance:  给自己的房屋保火险 insure one's house against fire;  船舶定期保险 time hull insurance;  海损保险 marine insurance;  货物保险 cargo insurance;  强制保险 compulsory insurance;  待业保险 employment-pending insurance;  人寿保险 life insurance;  再保险 reinsurance (稳妥可靠) safe; secure:  钱存入银行最保险。 It is safest to deposit your money in the bank.  (口) (担保) be bound to; be sure to:  他明天保险会来。 He is sure to come tomorrow.  保险能行! It's bound to work. 保险板 safety guard; 保险财产 insured property; 保险插销 night bolt; 保险储蓄 insured savings; 保险代理人 insurance agent; 保险带 safety belt; 保险单据 insurance documents; 保险刀 safety razor; 保险垫片 locking gasket; 保险短路开关 battle short; 保险对象 insured object; 保险额 amount insured; sum insured; 保险法 insurance law; 保险阀 lock valve; relief valve; 保险范围 insurance coverage; extent of insurance coverage; 保险粉 sodium hydrosulfite; hydros; 保险杆 bumper; 保险杠 beam; fender-guard; 保险公司 insurance company; 保险柜 safe; 保险国有化 nationalization of insurance; 保险合金 lock alloy; 保险合同 insurane contract; contract of insurance; 保险盒 fuse box; 保险回扣 insurance rebate; 保险机 safety (of a firearm); 保险机构 safety unit; safety and arming device; 保险计算员 actuary; 保险价值 value of insurance; insured (insurance) value; 保险掮客 broker insurance; 保险解除引信待发 {军} arming and fusing; 保险金 insurance money; 保险金额 insurance amount; insured amount; sum insured; sum of insurance; amount covered; 保险经纪人 canvasser; insurance brokers; 保险经济学 economics of insurance; 保险开关 safety switch; 保险开尾销 safety cotter pin; 保险客户 policy-holder; policy holder; 保险类别 branch of insurance; 保险联接器 safety coupling; 保险路线 survivable route; 保险螺栓 shear bolt; 保险摩擦离合器 safety friction clutch; 保险赔偿 insurance indemnity; 保险赔款 insurance proceeds; insurance indemnities; 保险凭证 insurance certificate; certificate of insurance; 保险期 insurance period; term of guaranteed service; 保险期限 insurance period; 保险契约 contract of insurance; (汽车) 保险气袋 airbag; 保险器 protector; fuse cut-out; safeguard; 保险人insurer; assurer; 保险日期 dated; 保险纱管底纱 {纺} bottom bunching; 保险申请 insurance application; 保险数位 guarding figure; 保险数学 insurance mathematics; 保险栓 lock; 保险索赔 insurance claims; 保险锁 check-lock; guard lock; 保险弹簧 creep spring; relief spring; restraining spring; supplementary spring; 保险系数 factor of safety; safety factor; 保险险别 coverage; 保险箱 proof box; safe; ark; bank's vault; strong-box; safe deposit box; 保险销 linchpin; safety finger; safety pin; safety stopper; 保险信号 guard signal; 保险钥匙 key; 保险业务 insurance services; 保险责任终止 termination of risk; 保险账户 underwriting account; 保险证明书 certificate of insurance; cover note; 保险证书 certificate of insurance; 保险装置 safety action; safety device; 保险总额 coverage保险[bǎo xiǎn]1.集中分散的社会资金,补偿因自然灾害、意外事故或人身伤亡而造成的损失的方法。参加保险的人或单位,向保险机构按期缴纳一定数量的费用,保险机构对在保险责任范围内所受的损失负赔偿责任。insurance; system for pooling scattered social resources to compensate people for losses caused by natural disasters, accidents, personal injuries or death. The insured individual or organization pays a regular premium, and the insurance company is responsible for indemnifying them for losses within the specified contingencies. 2.稳妥可靠 sure; safe:这样做可不保险。It's not safe to do this. 3.担保 assurance; for sure:你依我的话,保险不会出错。If you follow my advice, I can assure you nothing will go wrong.保险a.safe安全的,平安的;无危险的,保险的;无损的conservative稳当的;谨慎的;保险的n.cover保证金;信贷准备金;保险safety无损;稳妥;保险,无危险insurance保险assurance〈英〉(人寿)保险vt.safety使安全,使保险保险1. insurance2. safe; secure3. [Informal] to be bound to; to be sure to保险assurance; insurance {= ins.}保险Insurance保险insure双向☞保险单--保险费--安全措施双向☞保证--保险双向☞保险--保证保险1. insurance♦ 人寿(海损)~life (maritime) insurance♦ 你的汽车保了险没有? Is your car insured?♦ 保了火险 have insured against fire2. safe♦ 骑车太快可不~。 It's not safe to cycle too fast.♦ 你还是带上雨衣吧, ~点儿。 You'd better take your raincoat just to be on the safe side.3. be sure; be bound to♦ 他明天~会来。 He is sure to come tomorrow.♦ ~能行! It's bound to work.♦ 你依我的话, ~不会出错。 If you follow my advice, then I can assure you that nothing will go wrong.~代理人 insurance agent~带 safety belt~刀 safety razor~范围 insurance coverage~费 insurance premium~粉 sodium hydrosulphite~杆 bumper bar~杠 bumper (on a car)~公司 insurance company~柜 strongbox; safe~国有化 nationalization of insurance~盒 fuse box~回扣 insurance rebate~机 safety (of a firearm)~金 insurance amount; insurance money~金额 insurance amount~经纪人 insurance broker~客户 policy holder~赔偿金 insurance indemnity~凭证 C/T(certification of insurance)~期 insurance period~契约 contract of insurance~人 the insurer; assurer~丝 fuse; fuse-wire~索赔 insurance claim~弹簧 relief spring~箱 strongbox; safe~证明书 insurance certificate~装置 safety device




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