

释义 係係 1239B00  91A.01-9  部居  畫數 9ㄒㄧˋ [xi4] V.t.(1)  To tie up, (lit. & fig.) (=繫): 係風捕影 to “tie up the winds and chase after shadows” (also 捕風捉影)--rely on rumors or speculations;係頸 tie rope around neck;see 係臂,係累 [xi4bi4], [xi4lei3]↓.(2)  (Gen. LL & Cantonese coll.) be (=是): 此係 this is;確係 actually is;委係 really is;原係,本係 originally was;果係 if it is true that.(3)  Involve, interrelate: 關係 connections, implications, consequences, see 關 52B.00;所係非小 has grave implications or consequences.Words1. 係臂 [xi4bi4], n., (LL) bracelet.2. 係踵 [xi4zhong3], v.i., (LL) come in close succession (=接踵).3. 係累 [xi4lei3], n., burden, added responsibility.4. 係數 [xi4shu4], n., (math.) coefficient; 膨脹係數 (phys.) coefficient of expansion.




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