

单词 便人
释义 便人 biànrénI n.1) sb. who happens to be on hand for an errand2) a person familiar with worldly affairsII v.o.accommodate/serve sb.便人biànrénsb who happens to be on hand for an errand便人somebody who happens to be on hand for an errand托便人带封信 send a letter with someone going that way便人 biàn rén somebody. who happens to be on hand for an errand:  待有便人, 定将磁带捎去。 I'm sure to send the tape to you by anyone who happens to come to me. 便人 [bian4ren2], n., s.o. at hand (to do an errand).便人[biàn rén] 顺便受委托办事的人 sb. who happens to be on hand for an errand:托便人给他带去一本词典。I'll send a dictionary to you by someone going your way.便人1. a handy person; somebody who happens to be on hand for an errand便人somebody who happens to be on hand for an errand♦ 如有~, 请把那本书捎来。 Please send the book by anyone who happens to come this way.




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