

单词 便中
释义 便中1. at your convenience便中 biànzhōngat one's convenience; when convenient便中biànzhōngat one's conveniencewhen it's convenient便中at one's convenience望便中告知。 Please notify me at your convenience.请便中托人带来。 Please have it delivered at your convenience.便中 biàn zhōng at one's convenience; when it's convenient:  望便中来取你的邮件。 Please come for your mail whenever it's convenient. 便中at your convenience;便中[biàn zhōng] 方便的时候或有顺便的机会 at one's convenience; when it is convenient:你家里托人带来棉鞋两双,请你便中进城来取。Your family sent someone with two pairs of cloth shoes for you, so whenever it's convenient, please come to town and collect them.便中1. at one's convenience; when it's convenient便中at one's convenience; when it's convenient♦ 我替你捎来一双鞋, 望~来取。 I've brought you a pair of shoes. Please come for them whenever it's convenient.英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞CONVENIENT




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