

单词 侨居
释义 文馨英漢☞僑居侨居 qiáojūlive abroad侨居qiáojūto live far away from one's native placeto reside in a foreign country侨居to reside abroad侨居国外20多年 live abroad for more than 20 years侨居 qiáo jū emigration; live abroad 侨居国 country of residence; host country侨居[qiáo jū] 在外国居住,古代也指在外乡居住 live abroad; (in ancient China) reside in a strange land:侨居海外 reside abroad; sojourn in a foreign land侨居1. to live abroad侨居live abroad♦ ~国 country of residence♦ 他在国外~了三十年。 He lived abroad for thirty years.♦ 他是英国人, ~中国。 He is British but lives in China.




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