单词 | 依 |
释义 | 依1. to follow2. to depend on依 yīI v.1) depend/count on2) comply with; agree; consentII cov.according to; judging by依我看,这件事儿能成功。 In my opinion, this will be successful.依yīto depend onto comply with or listen to sbaccording toin the light of依 prep. 参见:依照[yīzhào]依我看 in my opinion依法惩处 punish according to the law依我的脾气,我是不会这么做的。 I wouldn't handle it that way due to my temperament. v. 参见:依靠依渔猎为生 depend on fishing and hunting for a living答应to comply with劝他休息,他怎么也不依 urge him to rest, but he won't listen谁敢不依? who dare not comply?依 yī 动 (依靠; 依仗) depend on; rely on: 相依为命 depend on each other for existence; be bound by a common destiny; 依人篱下 be dependent on sb. for a living (依从; 同意)comply with; listen to; yield to: 不能因为孩子小, 就什么都依着他。 You shouldn't comply with every wish of his just because he is a child. 当初要是依了他们的主张, 今天就不可能有这个水电站。 If we had listened to them, this hydropower station would never have been built. 就依着你说的办吧。 Let's do that by your advice. 你要是把这些资料弄丢了, 我可不依你。 If you lose these data, I'll never forgive you. 介 (按照) according to; in the light of; judging by: 依当时情况来说 in the light of the situation at the time; as matters then stood; 依法定程序 in a manner prescribed by law; 依我看 in my view; as I see it 名 (姓氏) a surname: 依封 Yi Feng 林语堂林语堂★◀▶依依 1240C05 91A.02-6 部居 畫數 8ㄧ [yi1] V.i. & t.(1) To consent, to obey a wish: 依著你 obey, accept your wish;我要離婚,她不依 I want a divorce, but she will not consent;你依不依 will you do what I say, or won't you? 依著他的話罷 just do what he wants.(2) To rely on, to be based upon: 依賴,依靠 [yi1lai4], [yi1kao4]↓;依山靠水 (a city) based on the hill at the back and overlooking the river or sea;依人籬下 to be dependent on s.o. for a living;依草附木 orig. (of brigands) based on jungles and wild country, also (fig.) rely on powerful friends;also as n., 無依無靠 friendless and helpless;憑依 s.o. or s.t. (friends, relatives) to rely on for help;依書直說 go by the book.(3) (Coll.) to pardon: 不依不饒 will never pardon;我必和你不依 I'll not let you go with this, see 饒 81B.70.Prep.According to: 依我所見 according to my mind;依他(所)說 according to what he says;依律辦理 settle according to law;依實招供 confess the truth at court.Words1. 依傍 [yi1bang4], v.t., to rely on s.o. more powerful; to imitate slavishly anc. models in writing: 依傍古人.2. 依前 [yi1qian2], adv., as it used to be, as formerly, see [yi1jiu4]↓.3. 依戴 [yi1dai4], v.t., (LL) to look up to (s.o.) with respect or gratitude.4. 依附 [yi1fu4], v.t., to act as satellite (to s.o.), to join s.o.’s camp; to go to (relative) for a living.5. 依歸 [yi1gui1], (1) v.t., to return to (place, person, faith); (2) n., an anchor, refuge: 無所依歸 drifting, without anchor or shelter.6. 依仗 [yi1zhang4], v.t., to rely on (person, money, situation, personal connections).7. 依照 [yi1zhao4], (1) prep., according to (your opinion, terms of contract, etc.); (2) v.t., to obey, accept, follow (path, instructions, wish, etc.).8. 依舊 [yi4jiu4], adv., as it used to be, still…as usual: 依舊不改 still unrepentent; 依舊貧困 poor as usual.9. 依據 [yi1jU4], (1) n., basis (for statement, belief, reasoning): 沒有依據 without basis; (2) v.t., to base oneself on: 依據這學說 according to this theory.10. 依靠 [yi1kao4], v.t. & n., to depend on (s.o.); dependence, support.11. 依賴 [yi1lai4], v.t., ditto.12. 依戀 [yi1lian4], v.t., to continue to long for, to love.13. 依慕 [yi1mu4], v.t., to love, adore, long for (person).14. 依然 [yi1ran2], adv., still, as usual.15. 依稀 [yi1xi1], adj., indistinct (shadows, image).16. 依實 [yi1shi2], adv., (report, confess) truthfully, according to fact.17. 依隨 [yi1sui2], v.t., to follow (person, wish).18. 依從 [yi1cong2], v.i. & t., to accept, obey (opinion, command).19. 依次 [yi1ci4], adv., according to proper order.20. 依託 [yi1tuo1], v.t., (1) to live with s.o. when in need; (2) to take anecdote in history as basis; to write fiction based on fact.21. 依違 [yi1wei2], v.i., as in 依違兩可 be undecided, have no definite conviction of one's own.22. 依樣 [yi1yang4], adv., according to model or pattern: 依樣畫葫蘆 do the routine thing without thinking, slavishly copy or imitate.23. 依依 [yi1yi1], adj., clinging, unable to part.24. 依倚 [yi1yi3], v.t., see [yi1kao4]↑.25. 依約 [yi1yUe1], (1) adj., see [yi1xi1]↑; (2) phr., in accordance with promise.依依 [yi1yi1], adj., clinging, unable to part.依[yī](ㄧ)1. 同 same as 依靠 yīkào ①:唇齿相依 depend on each other like lips and teeth; share a common fate 2.依从;同意 comply with; listen to; yield to:劝他休息,他怎么也不依。No matter how I asked him to have a rest, he didn't listen. 3.按照 according to; in the light of; judging by:依次前进 advance in order依法惩处 punish according to law依样画葫芦 draw a gourd according to the model; copy mechanically依我看,这样办可以。I would say it's okay to do it this way. 4.(Yī) 姓 a surname相关词组傍依 | 不依 | 归依 | 凭依 | 偎依 | 相依 | 布依族 | 相依为命 | 唇齿相依 | 辅车相依依傍 | 依次 | 依从 | 依存 | 依法 | 依附 | 依归 | 依旧 | 依据 | 依靠 | 依赖 | 依恋 | 依凭 | 依然 | 依顺 | 依随 | 依托 | 依偎 | 依违 | 依稀 | 依循 | 依依 | 依允 | 依仗 | 依照 | 依样葫芦依1. to depend on2. in accordance with3. according to依[yī]动1. depend on♦ 依靠 2. comply with; listen to; yield to♦ 不能因为孩子小, 就什么都~着他。 You shouldn't comply with every wish of his just because he is a child.♦ ~着你该怎么办?What do you suggest I should do?♦ 我怎么劝, 他还是不~。 No matter what I said, he just wouldn't listen.介according to; in the light of; judging by♦ ~我看 in my view; as I see it♦ ~当时情况来说 in the light of the situation at the time; as matters then stood♦ ~着我的性子, 非揍他一顿不行。 If I had had my way, I would have given him a sound beating. |
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