

释义 佩1. to admire2. to wear3. to respect佩 pèi1) v. wear (at the waist, etc.)2) b.f. admire (佩服)3) n. trad. pendant waist ornament佩pèito respectto wear (belt etc)pèigirdle ornaments佩 n. 古时系在衣带上的装饰品ornament worn around the waist in ancient China玉佩 jade waist ornament v. 参见:佩带腰佩盒子枪 wear a pistol at one's waist参见:佩服[pèifú]精神可佩 have an admirable spirit佩 pèi 动 (佩带) wear (at the waist, etc.):  佩刀 wear a sword;  腰佩手枪 carry a pistol in one's belt;  腰佩双剑 carry two swords at (in) the girdle (佩服) admire:  我真钦佩他的工作能力。 I really admire his capacity for work.  白求恩大夫的国际主义精神十分可佩。 Doctor Bethune's internationalist spirit is altogether admirable. 名 (古时系在衣带上的装饰品) an ornament worn as a pendant at the waist in ancient times:  玉佩 jade pendant 佩佩 1267A50  91A.70-4  部居  畫數 8ㄆㄟˋ [pei4] N.Pendants, things worn on girdle (cf. 珮 31A.70).V.t.(1)  Carry in girdle, belt (knife, sword, ornaments).(2)  Carry in heart, i.e., adore, as 敬佩 adore, respect and admire: see 佩服 [pei4fu4]↓;感佩 be grateful (to person) for kindness, favor.Words1. 佩帶 [pei1dai4], v.i & t., to carry, to wear (as decorations, etc.)2. 佩服 [pei4fu4], v.t., admire from the heart, admit superiority (to person).3. 佩蘭 [pei4lan2], n., (bot.) a species of orchid.4. 佩弦 [pei4xian2], phr., (AC) wear bowstring as memento to be alert.5. 佩韋 [pei4wei3], phr., (AC) allu. to willingness to change character, (wearing leather 韋 as symbol of softness, and wearing bowstring 弦 as symbol of alertness).佩[pèi](ㄆㄟˋ)(珮)1.佩带 wear; sport:佩刀 wear a sword at the waist腰佩盒子枪 carry a Mauser pistol at the waist 2.〈古时 arch.〉系在衣带上的装饰品 pendant hanging on one's coat belt:玉佩 jade pendant 3.佩服 admire:钦佩 admire这种精神可敬可佩。This spirit is highly adorable.相关词组感佩 | 敬佩 | 钦佩 | 纫佩 | 玉佩 | 赞佩 | 欧佩克佩带 | 佩戴 | 佩服 | 佩兰佩1. jade pendants\\\\1·to wear2. admiration佩[pèi]名an ornament worn as a pendant at the waist in ancient times♦ 玉~ jade pendant动1. wear (at the waist, etc.)♦ ~玉 wear a jade pendant at one's waist♦ 腰~手枪 carry a pistol in one's belt2. admire♦ 他的国际主义精神十分可~。 His internationalist spirit is altogether admirable.




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