

单词 作废
释义 文馨英漢☞作廢作废 zuòfèi1) become invalid电影票过期作废。 Movie tickets are invalid after the printed date.2) cancel; delete; nullify作废zuòfèito become invalidto cancelto deleteto nullify作废to become invalid过期作废 becomes invalid after expiry声明作废 deem invalid作废 zuò fèi cancel; delete; cancellation; nullify; become invalid:  宣布作废 declare invalid;  过期作废 become invalid after a specified date 作废(字)符 cancel character; ignore character; delete character; 作废码 cancel code; reject code; 作废信息 cancel message;作废[zuò fèi] 因失效而废弃 become invalid:过期作废 become invalid after the expiry date; cancel after expiry作废的票不能再用。An invalid ticket can't be used again.作废a.invalid(尤指法律上)无效的;作废的n.cancellation取消,注销;作废,废除;删去,划掉defeasance【律】(契约等的)作废,废除vt.invalidate使无效;使作废;使无价值作废1. to become invalid; to void; to cancel; to nullify作废superseded作废void双向☞作废--废除--使失效双向☞取消--作废--废弃双向☞战胜--作废--废除双向☞作废--放弃作废become invalid♦ 声明~ declare invalid♦ 宣布条约~ declare a treaty null and void




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