

单词 作对
释义 文馨英漢☞作對作对 zuòduì1) set oneself against; oppose你干吗老跟我作对? Why do you always set yourself against me?2) pair off in marriage; match with another in marriage作对zuòduìto set oneself againstto opposeto make a pair作对做对头to oppose老天也跟他作对。 Even the heavens are against him.成为配偶to make a pair成双作对 make pairs作对 zuò duì set oneself against; oppose:  她与我作对。 She opposes me. 作对[zuò duì]1.做对头;跟人为难 make things difficult for sb.; set oneself against; oppose:他成心跟我作对。He deliberately set himself against me. 2.成为配偶 pair off in marriage; make a pair:成双作对 in pairs作对1. to be an opponent of; to set oneself against; to oppose作对1. set oneself against; oppose♦ 他没有理由和你~。 He has no reason to oppose you.2. pair off in marriage




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