

单词 何许
释义 文馨英漢☞何許何许 héxǔwr. what kind of; what?何许héxǔ(literary) what placewhat timehow何许何处where此何许人也? What kind of person is this?何许 hé xǔ (书) (什么样的; 何处) what kind of; what; what place; where:  何许人 what sort of person 何许[hé xǔ]〈书 fml.〉何处 where; what kind of; what:何许人(原指什么地方人,后来也指什么样的人)what sort of person (orig. used to ask where the person comes from, later also used to ask what sort of person he or she is)何许1. [Formal] what kind of何许书 what kind of; what♦ ~人 what sort of person




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