

单词 何如
释义 何如1. How about it2. What do you say?何如 hérúwr.1) how about?2) wouldn't it be better?3) what do you think?何如hérúhow aboutwhat kind of何如怎么样how about试试何如? How about trying?怎样的what kind of我不知他是何如人。 I don't know what type of person he is.不如not as good as与其求人,何如自己来办。 Instead of asking someone else for help, how about handling it yourself?何如 hé rú (怎么样) how about:  请君一试,何如? How about you having a try?  请试验一下,何如? You'll try it out first, won't you? (用反问的语气表示不如) wouldn't it be better:  与其强攻,何如智取。 It would be better to use strategy than to attack by force.  与其求人,何如求己。 It would be better to rely on ourselves than on others. 何如 [he2ru2], adv., (1) why not: 何如對他直講 why not talk to him directly; (2) how about: 再來一盤棋,何如 how about another game of chess? (3) what do you think: 我比他何如 what do you think of me as compared with him?何如[hé rú]1.怎么样 how about:你先试验一下,何如?How about you try it out first? 2.怎样的 what kind of:我还不清楚他是何如人。I do not yet know what kind of person he is. 3.用反问的语气表示不如 [used in rhetorical questions] wouldn't it be better:与其靠外地供应,何如就地取材,自己制造。Wouldn't it be better if we make it by using local materials than relying on outside supplies?何如1. how about; what about2. would be better何如书 1. how about♦ 请君一试, ~? How about you having a try?2. wouldn't it be better♦ 与其强攻, ~智取。 It would be better to use strategy than to attack by force.




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