

释义 何1. how2. what3. where4. why何 hé1) pr. what?; where?2) adv. why?; how?3) n. Surname何Hésurname Hehéwhathowwhywhichcarry何 pron. 表示疑问used to indicate a question他是何人? who is he?此系何物? what is this thing?真不知从何说起 really not know from which point to start explaining就是说了,又有何用! even if I said it, what's the point? adv. 表示反问why何济于事。 To what avail?何愁办不成 why even worry about succeeding?何足挂齿 not worth mentioning有何不可。 Why should it not be possible?谈何容易。 It's easier said than done.何 hé 代 (表示疑问):  何处 what place; where;  何人 who;  何时 what time; when;  何往 whither;  从何而来? Where from? (表示反问):  何济于事? Of what avail is it?  谈何容易? Could it be that easy?  有何不可? Why not?  有何不同? What is the difference? 名 (姓氏) a surname:  何休 He Xiu 何何 1233A50  91A.00-3  部居  畫數 7ㄏㄜˊ [he2] N.A surname.Pron.What: 有何可說 what can I say? 有何不同 what is the difference? 為何 for what reason? 何去何從 what should one do?Adj.What: (LL also gen.)=甚麼:何益,何害 what’s the advantage? what's the harm? etc.: 何年,何日 what year, day? 何人 who? 何處,何地 what place? 何時 when? 何故,何因,何為 why? for what reason? 是何道理 what is the explanation for this?Adv.(1)  How, why (interrogative): 何以這樣 how so? 何不這樣 why not this way? 何不先走 why don’t (you) go first? 何樂而不為 gladly, I don't see any reason why not;何克臻此 (LL) how could it achieve this (without great persistence, etc.)? 幾何 (LL) how many? also geometry;如何 how? 如何做法 how it is done? 奈何 (in remonstration) why (did he risk it)? etc.;何苦 [he2ku3]↓.(2)  How (in exclamation): 哀音何動人 how touching!(3)  Equiv. negative 不:何敢=不敢 how dare I, I dare not;何堪=不堪 how can I bear (to see s.t.);何堪設想 dare not imagine;何必這樣(=不必) why must it be so, it's too much trouble;何須(=不須). Many of these constructions are extremely idiomatic, see below↓.Words1. 何必 [he2bi4], phr., not necessary.2. 何不 [he2bu4], phr., why not.3. 何嘗 [he2chang2], adv., never: 何嘗見過錢 never saw a cent; as a counter question: 我何嘗不知道 don't I know? (of course I know).4. 何期 [he2qi2], adv., contrary to expectation: 何期有這樣結局 never thought it would end up like this (same usage with 何料=不料).5. 何處 [he2chu4], adv., where, what place?6. 何啻 [he2chi4], phr., not different from, is the same as: 何啻天壤之別 the difference is like between heaven and earth; 何啻殺父 it's the same as if (s.o.) killed his own father.7. 何等 [he2deng3], adv., (1) how (=very): 何等快樂 how happy; 何等固執 how stubborn; (2) what kind: 何等人物 what kind of a person?8. 何得 [he2de2], adv., how…can: 何得推開責任 how can one deny the responsibility?9. 何獨 [he2du2], phr., is it only (= not only): 何獨問我 why question only me?10. 何妨 [he2fang0], adv., “what's the harm”: 何妨試試 no harm trying; 何妨看一看 let's take a look.11. 何敢 [he2gan3], phr., how… dare (=dare not).12. 何干 [he2gan1], phr., 與你何干 what's that to you? has nothing to do with you.13. 何故 [he2gu4], adv., for what reason? why (leave without permission, etc.)?14. 何者 [he2zhe3], adv., which one: 何者好,何者不好 which one is good and which is bad.15. 何至 [he2zhi4], adv., would not… to such extent: 何至一敗塗地 would not have suffered such crushing defeat (if, etc.)16. 何堪 [he2kan1], phr., it’s too much to bear: 何堪回首 (poet.) it's too sad to look back.17. 何況 [he2kuang4], adv., besides, furthermore.18. 何苦 [he2ku3], adv. phr., for what earthly reason? totally unnecessary:你這是何苦 it's unnecessary to do this; 何苦來 why bring this trouble on yourself?19. 何乃 [he2nai3], phr., why then?20. 何若 [he2ruo4], adv., more literary than 何如 [he2ru2]↓.21. 何如 [he2ru2], adv., (1) why not: 何如對他直講 why not talk to him directly; (2) how about: 再來一盤棋,何如 how about another game of chess? (3) what do you think: 我比他何如 what do you think of me as compared with him?22. 何消 [he2xiao1], adv., not necessary: 這何消你說 you don't have to tell me this.23. 何首烏 [he2shou3wu1], n., (bot.) Polygonum multiflorum.24. 何事 [he2shi4], adv., (LL) for what reason: 何事令你如此煩惱 what makes you so worried? 干卿何事 (LL) what has that to do with you?25. 何時 [he2shi2], adv., when, at what time: 何時歸來 what time are you coming back?26. 何須 [he2xU1], adv., not necessary: 何須你自己去 you do not have to go yourself.27. 何許 [he2xU3], adv., (LL) how many, so many; from what place: 不知何許人 his place of origin unknown.28. 何曾 [he2ceng2], adv., see [he2chang2]↑.29. 何哉 [he2zai1], phr., (LL) why?30. 何在 [he2zai4], phr., where is (s.t.): 那人何在 where is that person? 用意何在 what is the motive?31. 何則 [he2ze0], phr., why? (a rhet. question).32. 何足 [he2zu2], phr., not worthy of: 何足掛齒 not worth bothering about.33. 何謂 [he2wei4], phr., what is meant by…?34. 何為 [he2wei2], adv., (1) why (in rhet. question): 何為捨此取彼 why choose this rather than that? 意欲何為 what is (he) trying to do? (2) what is: 何為五大洲 what are the Five Continents?35. 何以 [he2yi3], adv., (1) why: 何以故 for what reason? 何以他要辭職 why does he want to resign? (2) how: 何以言之 how should one explain it? 何以交代 how to give a proper account? 何以自解 how can one justify oneself?36. 何有 [he2you3], phr., (LL) one would think nothing of, it's not difficult: 能以禮讓,為國乎何有 (AC) if one taught good manners, it would be nothing difficult to rule a country.37. 何由 [he2you2], adv., how come: 何由見得 what makes you think so?何[hé](ㄏㄜˊ)1.〈疑问代词 interrog. pron.〉(a)什么 what:何人 who何物 what何事 for what reason (b)哪里 where:何往 whither从何而来?Where from? (c)为什么 why:吾何畏彼哉?Why should I be afraid of him? 2.表示反问 [rhetorical question]:何济于事?Of what avail is it?何足挂齿?Is it worth mentioning?谈何容易?It is easier said than done.有何不可?Why not? 3.(Hé) 姓 a surname〈古 arch.〉 同 same as 荷 hè相关词组几何 | 奈何 | 任何 | 如何 | 若何 | 为何 | 无何 | 缘何 | 几何体 | 几何学 | 没奈何 | 无奈何 | 几何图形 | 谈何容易 | 曾几何时 | 解析几何 | 立体几何 | 平面几何 | 无可奈何 | 无论如何 | 成也萧何,败也萧何 | 欲加之罪,何患无辞何必 | 何不 | 何曾 | 何尝 | 何啻 | 何等 | 何妨 | 何故 | 何苦 | 何况 | 何其 | 何如 | 何谓 | 何须 | 何许 | 何以 | 何在 | 何止 | 何首乌 | 何去何从 | 何乐而不为何1. [Formal] used as "prefix" to form interrogatives何[hé]代书 what; which; how; why♦ ~人 who♦ ~时 what time; when♦ ~处 what place; where♦ ~往 whither♦ 从~而来? Where from?♦ ~济于事? Of what avail is it?♦ 有~不可? Why not?




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