

单词 低回
释义 低回 dīhuísyn. 低徊低回徘徊to pace up and down留恋to be reluctant to leave使人低回不忍离去 make one reluctant to leave回旋起伏to undulate低回婉转的乐曲 rippling melody思绪低回 pensive低回(徊) [di1hui2], v.i., loiter, linger, sunk in thought.低回[dī huí]〈书 fml.〉1.徘徊(huái) pace up and down 2.留恋 be reluctant to leave; linger:使人低回不忍离去 cause sb. to be reluctant to leave 3.回旋起伏 full of twists and turns; tangled; sentimental:思绪低回 lost in a tangle of thoughts低回婉转的乐曲 sentimental music亦 also 低徊 dīhuí低回(又作 ‘低徊’ 书 )1. pace up and down2. linger; be loath to part英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞DWELL




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