

释义 伸1. to extend2. to stretch伸 shēn1) v. stretch; extend2) b.f. express; proclaim (伸冤)伸shēnto stretchto extend伸 v. 参见:伸出[shēnchū];伸开[shēnkāi];伸展[shēnzhǎn]伸舌头 stick out one's tongue山脉伸向东北。 The mountains stretch towards the northeast.伸 shēn 动 (展开) stretch; extend:  两臂平伸 extend (stretch, spread) one's arms horizontally;  伸出援助之手 stretch out a helping hand;  伸大拇指 hold up one's thumb;  伸胳臂 stretch one's arms;  不要把头伸出 窗外。 Don't put (stick) your head out of the window (of a bus; etc.).  她热情地向我们伸出了双手。 She warmly extended both hands towards us.  他伸直身子躺在海滩上。 He stretched himself out on the beach.  他站起来伸伸懒腰, 打个呵欠。 He got up with a stretch and a yawn.  跳水时腿要伸直。 When you dive, you must keep your legs straight. 名 (姓氏) a surname:  伸意 Shen Yi 伸伸 1247C40  91A.22-2  部居  畫數 7ㄕㄣ [shen1] V.i.(1)  To stretch: 伸出 stretch out: 伸手,伸指 extend a hand, a finger;伸大拇哥 raise a thumb in admiration;伸舌頭 loll out tongue in surprise;伸頸 crane one's neck;伸頭探腦 poke one's head to peek at;伸腿瞪眼 to fall dead.(2)  To unbend, open up: 伸眉 lift an eyebrow to show satisfaction;伸腰 to stretch oneself;伸冤 [shen1yUan1]↓;伸開 open (one's arm);能屈能伸 (a great man) can bend or unbend-can take temporary setbacks;伸縮 [shen1suo1]↓.Words1. 伸欠 [shen1qian4], v.i., to stretch and yawn (also 欠伸).2. 伸張 [shen1zhang1], v.i., to expand (power).3. 伸證 [shen1zheng4], n., (AC) evidence (of guilt).4. 伸志 [shen1zhi4], v.i., to have wish, ambition fulfilled.5. 伸開 [shen1kai1], v.i., to stretch open.6. 伸手 [shen1shou3], v.i., to stretch one's hand: 伸手不見掌(五指) pitch-dark; 伸手就辦 do s.t. at once.7. 伸縮 [shen1suo1], v.i. & adj. & n., flexible, -bility; adjustment; range of change: 伸縮餘地 room for adjustment; 伸縮性 [shen1suo1xing4], n., flexibility, elasticity.8. 伸腰兒 [shen1yao1er0], v.i., to stretch oneself (after bending); (fig.) to hold one's head high: 不想今日咱們也伸腰兒了 never thought we would see this day of success.9. 伸冤 [shen1yUan1], v.i., to ask for redress of an injustice; to redress an injustice.伸[shēn](ㄕㄣ)(肢体或物体的一部分)展开 (of part of the limbs or sth.) stretch; extend:伸直 straighten伸展 extend延伸 extend; stretch相关词组欠伸 | 延伸 | 能屈能伸伸手 | 伸缩 | 伸腿 | 伸雪 | 伸延 | 伸腰 | 伸冤 | 伸展 | 伸张 | 伸懒腰伸n.extension(四肢等的)伸展,伸;牵伸(术);(芭蕾舞中的)伸腿thrust伸,挺,突出thrusting(猛)推;插;挤;刺;伸(展)vi.extend伸,伸展,延伸;延续thrust伸,伸展;上伸vt.extend伸,伸出,伸开;展开thrust伸,伸展伸1. to stretch伸[shēn]动stretch; extend♦ ~胳臂 stretch one's arms♦ ~舌头 stick out one's tongue♦ 两臂平~ extend (or stretch, spread) one's arms horizontally♦ 跳水时腿要~直。 When you dive you must keep your legs straight.




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