

释义 小1. little2. small3. tiny4. young小 xiǎoI s.v.1) small; little; petty; minor鞋小了一号。 These shoes are one size too small.2) young他比我小四岁。 She's four years younger than I.II pr. humb.humb. I; my; our小的不敢。 I don't dare.III adv.for a little while; for a momentIV n.1) the young2) concubine以前他给人家做小。 She was formerly a concubine.V attr.1) the last in order of seniority我的小弟弟 my youngest brother2) used before names of persons or animals to indicate the young小王 (Young) Wáng小猫 kitten; kitty小xiǎosmalltinyfewyoung小 n. 年纪小的人young children一家大小。 The whole family, young and old.不分老小 not differentiate between young and old他上有老,下有小。 He has both his parents and his children to take care of.妾concubine做小 be a concubine adj. 不大small小城市 small city小企业 small enterprise小路 path小桥 small bridge小河 stream小桌子 small table小镜子 small mirror小词典 pocket dictionary小商人 small trader小牛 calf小马 foal小猪 piglet小羊 lamb小狗 puppy小猫 kitten小鸡 chick小鸭 duckling小身材 petite figure小口径 small calibre小体积 small volume小马力 small horsepower小国家 small country款额不小 large sum of money工资很不小 big wage价钱小 cheap尺码小得多 much smaller size面积小得多 very small area那间房间比这间小。 That room is smaller than this one.地方太小。 The place is too small.小规模机械化 small-scale mechanization她的孩子一个比一个小。 Each of her children is smaller than the last.儿子已经不小了,他七岁。 My son isn't so young anymore – he's seven now.他比我小两岁。 He's two years younger than me.这鞋我穿嫌小。 These shoes are a little too small for me.风小了。 The wind has died down.雨小了。 The rain has died down.排行最末的youngest小儿子 youngest son他是我的小弟弟。 He is my youngest brother.<谦>polite way of referring to oneself or things belonging to oneself小女 my daughter小店 my shop adv. 短时间a short while小住 short stay小聚 short meeting小别 leave for a short time小缓 short delay略微少于nearly他编了小30年辞典。 He compiled dictionaries for nearly 30 years.小 xiǎo 形 (体积、面积、数量、强度等不大) small; little; petty; minor:  小姑娘 a little girl;  小河 stream;  小声交谈 talk low;  小问题 a minor question;  无限小 infinitesimally small;  风小些了。 The wind has dropped a little.  鞋小了点儿。 These shoes are a bit too tight.  这顶帽子我戴太小。 This hat is too small for me. (年纪小的; 年幼的) young:  小弟弟 younger brother;  小儿子 the youngest son;  小狗 puppy;  小鸡 chick; chicken;  小猫 kitten;  小牛 calf;  一家老小 the whole family, old and young;  她比我小。 She is younger than I am. (谦辞, 称自己或与自己有关的人或事物):  小女 my daughter;  小婿 my son-in-law 名 (年级小的人) the young:  妻小 wife and children;  上有老, 下有小。 There are old and young at home. (指妾) concubine:  娶小 take (get) a concubine 副 (短时间地) for a while; for a short time:  小住 stay for a few days;  小坐 sit for a while (前缀) (用于姓、名、排行等前):  小华 Xiao Hua;  小王 Xiao Wang; Little Wang 林语堂林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶小小 346A45  22.01  部居  畫數 3ㄒㄧㄠˇ [xiao3] N.The young: 老小 the young and old;妻小 wife and children.Adj.(1)  Small in size: 小舖子 a small store;小巷 an alley;小本生意 small business;小型汽車 small car;小指 the little finger;小楷 fine regular characters in small size;小築 a little villa.(2)  Little, unimportant: 小名氣 some little reputation;小便宜 petty gains;小聰明 intelligent in small ways, but oft. tricky;小意思 [xiao3yi4si0]↓;小人,小民 [xiao3ren2], [xiao3min2]↓;小題大做 much ado about nothing;小不忍則亂大謀 who cannot take small insults or setbacks is liable to spoil big plans.(3)  Minor, junior: 小丫頭,小么兒 [xiao3ya1tou0], [xiao3yao1er0]↓;小弟,小妹 younger brother, sister;小孩 [xiao3hai2]↓;小妻 [xiao3qi1], 小老婆 [xiao3lao3po0]↓;(4)  (In self-deprecation) humble, small: 小僧 used by monk;小女 my daughter;小婿 my son-in-law;小門生 your humble pupil.(5)  Lesser: 小年夜,小除夕 day before New Year's Eve;小至 day before 冬至 winter solstice;小重陽 day after 9th day of 9th lunar month.Adv.A little: 小立,小坐 stand, sit for a while;小語 have a little talk;小別 temporary parting;小,小息 rest a little;小看 to despise;小視 [xiao3shi4]↓.Words1. 小半(兒) [xiao3ban4]([xiao3ba4er0]), n., the lesser half.2. 小白臉兒 [xiao3bai2lia3er0], n., handsome, fair-complexioned, small and not muscular young man.3. 小班(兒) [xiao3ban1]([xiao3ba1er0]), n., as in 清吟小班 formerly, first-class courtesan.4. 小報兒 [xiao3bao4er0], n., tabloid paper.5. 小輩 [xiao3bei4], n., (1) the younger generation, youth; (2) lout.6. 小便 [xiao3bian4], (1) v.i., to urinate; (2) n., urine.7. 小步(兒) [xiao3bu4]([er0]), adv., in leisurely steps.8. 小產 [xiao2chan3] ([xiao2chan0]), n., abortion.9. 小腸 [xiao3chang2], n., the intestines; 小腸氣 (Chin. med.) inflammation of kidneys and testicles (also called 疝氣).10. 小成 [xiao3cheng2], n., (AC) completion of 7-year high-school course.11. 小妻 [xiao3qi1], n., concubine.12. 小氣 [xiao3qi0], adj., narrow-minded, stingy (also wr. 小器).13. 小巧 [xiao2qiao3], adj., as in 小巧玲瓏 (small art objects) pretty, cleverly made.14. 小瞧 [xiao3qiao2], v.t., to look down upon.15. 小竊 [xiao3qie4], n., petty thief, burglar.16. 小青 [xiao3qing1], n., (1) (bot.) indigo plant; (2) (MC) maid.17. 小醜 [xiao2chou3]1, n., roughnecks.18. 小丑(兒) [xiao2chou3]2([er0]), n., clown.19. 小雛兒 [xiao3chu2er0], n., (1) chicken; (2) a dolt, inexperienced youth.20. 小吃店 [xiao3chi1dian4], n., snack bar.21. 小曲 [xiao2qU3], n., folk song, ditty.22. 小大姐 [xiao3da4jie3], n., mature girl servant.23. 小旦 [xiao3dan4], n., Chin. opera actress.24. 小道兒 [xiao3dao4er0], n., (1) by-path; (2) irregular or illegal approach.25. 小的 [xiao3di0], n., (1) a servant; (2) ([xiao3de1]) a young one (also wr. 小底).26. 小調(兒) [xiao3diao4]([er0]), n., a song, ditty.27. 小弟 [xiao3di4], n., (court. in self-reference) younger brother.28. 小豆 [xiao3dou4], n., (1) kinds of small beans; (2) kind which turns dark red when cooked; n., 小豆腐兒 [xiao3dou4fu0er0], n., a paste mixture of rice, flour and vegetable in North China; n., 豆兒 minute trifles.29. 小肚子 [xiao3du4zi0], n., region below navel.30. 小二 [xiao3er4], n., waiter at wine shop or hotel.31. 小兒 [xiao3er2], n., (1) a child; my son; (2) ([xiao3er0]) period of childhood: 從小兒 from childhood; a child, children; n., 小兒科 n., pediatrics; n., 小兒麻痺 poliomyelitis=polio, infantile paralysis.32. 小販 [xiao3fan4], n., a peddler.33. 小方脈 [xiao3fang1mo4], n., pediatrics.34. 小費 [xiao3fei4], n., tips, gratuities.35. 小腹 [xiao3fu4]1, n., region below navel; see [xiao3du4zi0]↑.36. 小婦 [xiao3fu4]2, n., see [xiao3qi1]↑.37. 小夫人 [xiao3fu1ren2], n., concubine.38. 小哥 [xiao3ge1], n., as in 小哥兒們 a group of young men, also 小哥們兒.39. 小歌劇 [xiao3ge1jU4], n., operetta.40. 小狗兒的 [xiao2gou3er0de0], n., affectionate term for children (“puppy”).41. 小姑(兒) [xiao3gu1]([er0]), n., husband's younger sister (also 小姑子); 小姑娘(兒) young girl.42. 小褂兒 [xiao3gua4er0], n., light, unlined jacket.43. 小官(兒) [xiao3guan1]([er0]), n., minor official; formerly, court. self-reference of official before superior; 小官人 (MC) address for upper-class young man.44. 小鬼(兒) [xiao2gui3]([er0]), n., (1) ‘little devil”--intimate reference to mischievous boy (also 小鬼頭); (2) little devils that run errands in Hell.45. 小功 [xiao3gong1]1, n., mourning of five months for certain relatives.46. 小工(兒) [xiao3gong1]2([er0]), n., a labor hand (carrying gravel, soil in construction work, etc.).47. 小鼓 [xiao3gu3], n., a tabor, taborine.48. 小孩(兒)(子) [xiao3hai2]([er0]) ([xiao3ha2er0])([zi0]), n., a child.49. 小鬟 [xiao3huan2], n., a young maidservant.50. 小夥(子)(兒) [xiao2huo3]([zi0])([er0]), n., able-bodied young man.51. 小賬 [xiao3zhang4], n., tip for waiters, etc.52. 小照 [xiao3zhao4], n., (photo) a portrait.53. 小腳(兒) [xiao2jiao3]([er0]), n., bound feet.54. 小家子 [xiao3jia1zi0] ([xiao3jia1zi3]), n., coarse, lower-class person; 小家碧玉 daughter of middle-class family.55. 小姐 [xiao2jie3]1, n., an unmarried girl: 廖小姐 Miss Liauh, also used for married professional women.56. 小解 [xiao2jie3]2, v.i., to urinate.57. 小節 [xiao3jie2], n., minor points of conduct.58. 小薊 [xiao3ji4], n., cat thistle.59. 小己 [xiao2ji3], n., person, individual.60. 小舅子 [xiao3jiu4zi0], n., wife's younger brother.61. 小傳 [xiao3zhuan4]1, n., a short biography, biographic sketch.62. 小篆 [xiao3zhuan4]2, n., anc. script in Chirn and Hahn Dyns., simplified from 大篆.63. 小註(兒) [xiao3zhu4]([er0]), n., footnotes.64. 小君 [xiao3jUn1], n., (AC) wife.65. 小楷 [xiao2kai3], n., regular small script.66. 小看 [xiao3kan4], v.t., to despise, look down upon.67. 小開 [xiao3kai1], n., (Shanghai dial.) young boss of a business.68. 小康 [xiao3kang1], n., (1) as in 小康之家 a well-to-do middle-class family; (2) period of well-organized human society (cf. 大同 12.81).69. 小可 [xiao2ke3], adj. & adv., a little.70. 小老婆 [xiao2lao3po0], n., (coll.) concubine.71. 小郎 [xiao3lang2], n., (1) (MC) husband's younger brother; (2) (MC) a young man.72. 小李 [xiao2li3] ([xiao2li1]), n., a petty burglar.73. 小綹 [xiao2liu3], n., see [xiao2li3]↑.74. 小零兒 [xiao3ling2er0], n., change (of coins).75. 小麥 [xiao3mai4]1, n., wheat.76. 小賣 [xiao3mai4]2, v.t., to peddle (noodles, cold drinks, etc.).77. 小米兒 [xiao2mieeer0], n., millet.78. 小民 [xiao3min2], n., humble people; also (in self-reference toward judge) your humble servant.79. 小名(兒) [xiao3ming2]([er0]), n., childhood name at home, different from legal name.80. 小末 [xiao3mo4], n., (Chin. opera) minor male role.81. 小拇指(頭) [xiao3mu0zhi3]([tou0]), n., the little finger.82. 小腦 [xiao2nao3], n., (physiol.) cerebellum.83. 小奶奶(兒) [xiao3nai0nai0]([er0]), n., see [xiao3qi1]↑.84. 小娘子 [xiao3niang2zi0], n., (MC) a young girl: 小娘們兒 (a) (derog.) young women; (b) concubines.85. 小妮子 [xiao3ni2zi0], n., (1) (coll.) a small girl, girl of teenage; 小妮兒 ditto; (2) a maidservant.86. 小女 [xiao2nU3], n., (court.) my daughter.87. 小品 [xiao2pin3], n., also 小品文 belles-lettres, essays, sketches.88. 小貧 [xiao3pin2], adj., (rare) stingy.89. 小人 [xiao3ren2] ([xiao3ren0]), n., (1) common people; (2) selfish or mean person; (3) used of oneself in humble intercourse; 小人兒 a clay doll, figurine; 小人兒書 books for children.90. 小軟兒 [xiao2rua3er0], n., a defenseless person.91. 小日子兒 [xiao3ri4ze0er0], n., (1) simple home life: 小日子兒過得不錯 lead a fair simple home life; (2) the bride's day of menstruation ascertained in fixing wedding day.92. 小嬸(兒)(子) [xiao2she3]([er0])([zi0]), n., younger brother's wife.93. 小生 [xiao3sheng1], n., (1) (court. used in self-reference, by scholars or pupils) your pupil; (2) (Chin. opera) young male actor.94. 小舌 [xiao3she2], n., (physiol.) the uvula.95. 小小 [xiao2xiao3], adj., very small (affair), very young (child): 小小子兒 a young male child.96. 小相 [xiao3xiang4]1, n., (AC) assistant.97. 小像 [xiao3xiang4]2, n., portrait (=肖像).98. 小祥 [xiao3xiang2], n., first anniversary of parent's death.99. 小寫 [xiao3xie3], n., (spelling) small letters, (printing) lower case, “l.c.”100. 小性兒 [xiao3xing4er0], n., childish temper.101. 小喜 [xiao2xi3], n., (sl.) abortion.102. 小心 [xiao3xin1] ([xiao3xin0]), (1) adj., careful; (2) v.i. & t., take care: 小心燈火 take care of the lights; v.i. & t., 玻璃小心 glass--handle gently (“fragile”).103. 小心眼兒 [xiao3xin1ya3er0], adj., narrow-minded, stingy.104. 小星 [xiao3xing1], n., (LL) concubine.105. 小數 [xiao3shu4], n., (math.) fraction.106. 小說(兒) [xiao3shuo1]([er0]), n., a novel; 小說家 novelist; (AC) writer of anecdotes, stories.107. 小叔(子) [xiao3shu2]([zi0]), n., husband's younger brother.108. 小視 [xiao3shi4], v.t., to despise (s.o.), regard as of no importance.109. 小食 [xiao3shi2]1, n., snacks (noodles, dumplings, etc.).110. 小時 [xiao3shi2]2, n., (1) an hour; (2) the young days: 小時候 childhood days.111. 小雪 [xiao2xUe3], n., a solar term, see Appendix B.112. 小學 [xiao3xUe2], n., (1) elementary school, primary school; (2) study of anc. forms, phonology and meaning of written language.113. 小兄 [xiao3xiong1], n., (court. self-reference) I, your elder brother.114. 小廝 [xiao3si1], n., manservant.115. 小帖兒 [xiao2tie3er0], n., exchange of bride’s and groom's horoscopes written on red paper.116. 小提琴 [xiao3ti2qin2], n., violin.117. 小蹄子 [xiao3ti2zi0], n., (coll., abusive) little wench.118. 小偷(兒) [xiao3tou1]([er0]), n., petty thief.119. 小菜兒 [xiao3tsaher0], n., (1) small dishes to go with rice; (2) macerated cucumbers, pickles, etc.; (3) (sl.) one browbeaten by others.120. 小腿 [xiao2tui3], n., (physiol.) the calf.121. 小宗 [xiao3zong1], n., (1) branch of younger sons of family, opp. 大宗 eldest branch; (2) Hinayana school.122. 小卒兒 [xiao3zu2er0], n., foot soldier.123. 小組 [xiao2zu3], n., a section, division: 小組會議 sectional conference, committee or subcommittee meeting.124. 小組織 [xiao2zu3zhi1], n., (Communist, underground) cell.125. 小字 [xiao3zi4], n., (1) pet name (=小名 [xiao3ming2]↑); (2) see [xiao3kai3]↑.126. 小子 [xiao2zi3], n., (1) child, -ren; (2) court. self-reference; (3) ([xiao2zi0]) a boy (sometimes derog. or joc.); a boy servant.127. 小押(兒) [xiao3ya1]([er0]), n., formerly, loan at usurious interest.128. 小丫頭 [xiao3ya1tou0], n., a young maid.129. 小洋 [xiao3yang2], n., formerly, a fraction of a dollar, a dime; cf. 大洋 a dollar.130. 小么兒 [xiao3yao1er0], n., (coll.) (contempt.) a servant.131. 小衣 [xiao3yi1], n., underwear: 小衣兒 formerly, pants.132. 小夜曲 [xiao3ye4qU3], n., serenade.133. 小爺 [xiao3ye2]1, n., young master (of house).134. 小姨(兒)(子) [xiao3yi2]2([er0])([zi0]), n., wife's younger sister; the youngest of maternal aunt.135. 小意思 [xiao3yi4si0], n., a small gift (small token of respect), a mere trifle.136. 小引 [xiao3yin3], n., foreword, introduction.137. 小影 [xiao2ying3], n., portrait, photograph.138. 小音階 [xiao3yin1jie1], n., (mus.) minor scale.139. 小遺 [xiao3yi2], v.i., go to toilet.140. 小月 [xiao3yUe4], n., lunar month of 29 days; solar calendar month of 30 days.小小 [xiao2xiao3], adj., very small (affair), very young (child): 小小子兒 a young male child.小src="/char_font/2hmp13.gif" align=absmiddle>,小息 rest a little;小 種茶 22.01;小a.two-by-twice大小受限制的;狭窄的;小的little小的;矮小的small(体积、规模等方面)小的,小型的;包含小片(或小块等)的Low【牌】小(牌张)的bit小的,微不足道的young[用于称呼,表示亲昵,但带有优越屈尊的口气]小baby小的,小型的minor【逻】小(项)的;小(前提)的junior[常作 J-] (置于姓名后表示同名父子中的子或同姓两人中的较年幼者,略作 Jr.或 jr.)小narrow狭隘的;(程度、范围等)有局限的,小的slim微薄的;不足的;少的;小的;差的pony小(型)的thumbnail小的,微型的;简要的;简短的petty小的,琐碎的;不重要的wee小的;很小的,极小的,一丁点儿的insignificant小的;地位低微的;不重要的;无足轻重的sleeveless〈英〉小的,微不足道的rump(政党、集团等)小的;不重要的;低劣的two-by-four〈美口〉小的;狭窄的;有限的;不足道的bantam轻的;小的Dinky〈英〉小的;整洁的;漂亮的;精致的one-eyed〈口〉小的;偏僻的;设备简陋的;不重要的petit【律】小的;轻微的pinkie〈苏格兰〉小的inconsiderable不值得考虑的;不重要的,无足轻重的;小的bitsy〈口〉小的,极小的sawed-off〈口〉(人)矮的,小的lil〈口〉小的one-horse〈口〉小的;偏僻的;设备简陋的;不重要的chickenshit小的pocket-size小型的,小的half-pint〈俚〉矮小的;小的,小型的shirttail小的;短的;琐细的,无足轻重的postern后面的;旁边的;小的;私下的diddy〈英口〉小的chota小的titchy〈英口〉矮的;小的parvus(处方用语)小的;少的phr.little grebe【鸟】小小1. small; little2. briefly; for a short while3. the young4. (polite speech) my; our小PETIT;PETITE双向☞小--一点--一些双向☞小--很小小[xiǎo ]形1. small; little; petty; minor♦ ~屋 a small room or house♦ ~河 a small river♦ ~姑娘 a little girl♦ ~国 a small country♦ ~事 a small matter♦ ~问题 a minor question♦ ~手术 a minor operation2. young♦ 他还~呢。 He's still young.♦ 你也不~了。 You're not young any more.♦ 她比我~。 She is younger than I am.3. the last in order of seniority♦ ~儿子 the youngest son♦ 他是我的~弟弟。 He is my youngest brother.4. 谦 my; our♦ ~女 my daughter♦ ~店 my store5. (used before names of animals to indicate the young)♦ ~鸡 chick♦ ~鸭 duckling♦ ~狗 pup♦ puppy ♦ ~猫 kitten; kitty副of short duration♦ ~坐片刻 sit for a while名little ones; children♦ 一家大~the whole family; old and young小pet name for a child; childhood name♦ 他~叫毛毛。 His childhood name is Maomao.




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