

单词 导火线
释义 文馨英漢☞導火線导火线 dạ̌ohuǒxiàn1) (blasting) fuse2) direct cause3) a small incident that touches off a big one导火线dǎohuǒxiànfuse (for explosives)(fig.) proximate causethe last straw导火线爆炸物引线fuse引起事变爆发的事件immediate cause冲突的导火线 trigger of conflict导火线 dǎo huǒ xiàn (使爆炸物爆炸的引线) blasting fuse; powder train; train; common fuse; fuse; powder-flag:  定时导火线 time fuse (比喻引起事变爆发的近因) a small incident that touches off a big one; the direct cause of an event:  战争的导火线 an incident that touches off a war 导火线点火器 spitter; 导火线套管 {采矿} blasting barrel导火线n.match火绳,导火线train导火线signal导因;近因;导火线 (for)fuse导火线,导火索primer雷管,火帽,底火;点火药;导火线;【机】起动注油器;(飞机发动机的)起动注油泵fusee导火线,导火索;引信导火线1. a fuse; a blasting fuse2. a minor event or incident that led to big trouble; the direct cause of an event; a signal (for)导火线Safety-fuse导火线primacord导火线Tinder导火线Fuse双向☞导火线--钴轴--套管轴双向☞绳--电线--软[电]线双向☞电线--绳--导火线双向☞导火线--火柴双向☞雷管--导火线导火线1. (blasting) fuse2. a small incident that touches off a big one♦ 战争的~ an incident that touches off a war




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