

单词 导师
释义 文馨英漢☞導師导师 dǎoshī1) tutor; teacher; supervisor2) leader in a cause导师dǎoshītutorteacheracademic advisor导师指导教师tutor研究生导师 postgraduate supervisor领袖人物mentor革命导师 revolutionary mentor导师 dǎo shī (高等学院或科研机构中指导人学习、进修、 写论文的人) supervisor; advisor; tutor; teacher:  导师制 the tutorial system (在大事业、大运动中指示方向的人) guide of a great cause; teacher; director; mentor导师a.preceptorial导师的,教师的;校长的n.teacher教员,教师,老师,先生;导师mentor贤明的顾问;导师,指导者tutor〈英〉(大学中的)导师guru精神领袖;领袖;导师;指导者preceptor导师,教师;校长baba[B-](印度教的)导师maitre主人,东家;领导人,指挥者;教师,导师导师1. a teacher; a tutor; a preceptor2. a guide; a mentor; a director导师mentor双向☞导师--良师导师1. tutor; teacher2. guide of a great cause; teacher




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