

单词 寻思
释义 文馨英漢☞尋思ABCABC★◀▶寻思 xúnsicoll. ponder; mull over这事(儿)我寻思好久了。 I've been pondering over this matter for a long time.寻思 xínsisee xúnsi 寻思寻思xúnsīto considerto ponder寻思to ponder寻思自己的前途 consider one's future你寻思寻思该怎么办。 You should think about what needs to be done.寻思 xún si think sth. over; consider:  好好寻思一下, 然后告诉我你是否同意我的意见。 Think it over and let me know whether you agree with me. 寻思phr.take thought〈旧〉考虑,注意;寻思寻思1. to think something over; to consider; to ponder; to take (or have) thought寻思think to oneself; think♦ 我~她最适合做这个工作。 I thought (or thought to myself) she was best suited for this job.




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