

单词 对象
释义 文馨英漢☞對象对象 duìxiàng1) target; object2) boyfriend; girlfriend有对象了吗? Have you got a girlfriend/boyfriend?3) informant对象duìxiàngtargetobjectpartnerboyfriendgirlfriendCL:个[gè]对象目标object嘲笑的对象 target of a joke研究对象 object of research他们向我们挑战是找错了对象。 They've picked the wrong people to challenge if they are thinking of challenging us.不要看错对象。 Don't get your target wrong.恋爱对象;男朋友;女朋友object of romantic love; boyfriend; girlfriend找对象 find a partner她是他的对象。 She is his girlfriend.对象 duì xiàng (目标) target; object:  革命对象 target of the revolution;  批评的对象 the target of criticism;  研究对象 object of study;  他的古怪使他成为他们取笑的对象。 His crazy ideas made him the target of their jokes. (恋爱的对方) boyfriend; girl friend; marriage partner; match; prospective spouse; the target of one's love; fiancé or fiancée:  找对象 look for a partner in marriage;  到处为她儿子物色对象 look round for a suitable match for her son 对象参数 image parameter; 对象方程 plant equation; 对象关系 {心理} object relationship; 对象数字模型 mathematical model of controlled plant; 对象语言 object language; 对象阻抗 image impedance对象n.CASE(需要救济部门等调查、处理或关心的)对象subject(事物的)经受者;(动作的)对象;供解剖的尸体target(批评、嘲笑等的)对象(for, of)object【哲】客体;客观;对象(情感、思想或行动的)对象butt(嘲弄等的)对象,笑柄phr.other half〈英口〉配偶;对象;情人对象1. an object; a target; a subject2. the (sought-after) object of courtship对象objects对象object双向☞目标--对象 --科目双向☞观众--阅听人--受众双向☞客体--受词--目标双向☞目标--物体--对象双向☞论文--条款--对象双向☞对象--物--客体双向☞对象--目标双向☞条款--对象双向☞物体--对象双向☞项目--对象对象1. target; object♦ 革命~ targets of the revolution♦ 研究~ an object of study2. boy (or girl) friend♦ 找~ look for a partner in marriage另见〖搞对象〗




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