

单词 对得起
释义 文馨英漢☞對得起对得起 duìdeqǐ1) not let sb. down2) treat sb. fairly3) not have the slightest guilt/shame toward sb.对得起duìdeqǐnot to let sb downto treat sb fairlybe worthy of对得起无愧于to be worthy of不辜负to not let down我对得起你。 I've not let you down.对得起 duì de qǐ not let sb. down; treat sb. fairly; be worthy of:  对得起朋友 act worthily of friends 对得起1. not to let sb. down; to treat sb. fairly; to be worthy of对得起(又作 ‘对得住’) not let sb. down; treat sb. fairly; be worthy of♦ 你要我做的事情我都做了, 我总算~你了。 I've done everything you asked me to do. I didn't let you down in the least.




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