

单词 对号入座
释义 文馨英漢☞對號入座对号入座 duìhào rùzuò1) take seats according to ticket numbers2) sit in the right seat3) assign people work in accordance with their aptitude4) identify with a character in a novel/film/play对号入座duìhàorùzuòto take one's seat according to the ticket number(fig.) to put (things or people) in their right placeto take a general comment as a personal attack对号入座对座号就位to sit in an allocated seat这里是对号入座的。 You sit according to your seat number here.对比联系;与规章制度对比联系to match with ; to abide by the rules对号入座 duì hào rù zuò take one's seat according to the number on the ticket; sit in the right seat; take one's seat indicated by a place card




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