

单词 对付
释义 文馨英漢☞對付对付 duìfu1) deal/cope with; counter; tackle这个人难对付。 This person is difficult to deal with.2) make do对付duìfuto handleto deal withto copeto get by with对付应付to deal with对付荒年 cope with famine对付可能发生的突然事变 deal with any unforeseen events that might occur这人很好对付。 This person is very easy to deal with.这些人真难对付。 These people are really difficult.我尽量想法子来对付。 I'll try my best to find a way to deal with it.一切都顺利地对付过去了。 Everything went off without a hitch.这项工作我还对付得下来。 I can cope with this work.这武器是用来对付敌人的。 These weapons are intended for dealing with the enemy.将就to make do这对付着能用。 We can make do with this.请你对付着办吧。 Please just do the best you can in the circumstances.感情相投合<方>to get along两口儿最近有些不对付。 Those two haven't been getting on so well lately.对付 duì fu (应付) deal with; cope with; tackle:  对付各种复杂局面 deal with all kinds of complicated situations;  让我来对付他。 Let me deal with him.  既要照顾家庭又要全天工作, 我不知道她是如何对付的。 I don't know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job.  那家伙很难对付。 That guy is very hard to deal with. (将就) make do:  这支笔不太好, 但我们得对付着用。 This pen is not very good, but we'll have to make it do. (反对) oppose; counter:  用暴力对付暴力 oppose violence with violence;  用人民战争对付侵略战争 oppose the people's war to the war of aggression 对付vi.deal对付,打交道;对待 (with)attend照料;处理,对付(to)cope对付,(成功地)应付;(妥善地)处理 (with)vt.GO对付hand〈废〉用手操纵;对付meet应付;对付;反对face(勇敢地)对付;正视address对付,处理;满足(需求)approach(着手)处理;(开始)对付,对待;(着手)探讨touch[常与否定词连用]对…发生作用;对付;参与swing〈口〉决定性地影响;成功地处置,对付tackle(着手)对付,(开始)处理;与…交涉hack〈美口〉[常用于否定句或疑问句]对付,处理;忍受,容忍negotiate〈口〉做成,办妥,解决;对付wield〈方〉(成功地)对付,处理salute向…打招呼,向…致意;迎接;(以特定方式)接待,对付entreat〈古〉对待;对付phr.take care of处理,对付;提防come to grips with(认真)对付(或处理)对付1. to cope with; to bear up; to deal with; to attack; to tackle国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞对付--克服--适应对付1. deal with; cope with; counter; tackle♦ 那人好~。 That man is easy to deal with.2. make do♦ 这把锹你先~着用吧。 Try to make do with this spade for now.




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