

释义 寸1. tiny2. Chinese inch3. unit of length4. very small寸 cùn1) m. Ch. inch (equals 1/3 decimeter)2) b.f. very little/short (寸进)3) adv. slang coincidentally; just; exactly寸cùna unit of lengthinchthumb寸 n. 长度单位Chinese unit of length, equal to approximately 3.3 cm一寸布 one cun of cloth微末very little一寸光阴一寸金 time is money adv. 凑巧<方>as luck would have it你来得可真寸。 You came at just the right time!寸 cùn 量 (长度单位) cun, a unit of length (=13 decimetre) 形 (极短或极小) very little; very short; small:  寸功 small contribution; meagre achievement;  寸进 a little progress 名 (姓氏) a surname:  寸居敬 Cun Jujing 寸寸 2C05  10.00  部居  畫數 3ㄘㄨㄣˋ [cun4] N.An inch (cf. 吋 English inch): 三寸丁 a three-inch nail, (fig.) a pint-sized person;三寸金蓮 81.30;方寸 square inch, also heart: 方寸已亂 my heart is already upset;立方寸 cubic inch;公寸 decimeter;尺寸 dimensions of anything;尺有所短,寸有所長 every man has his strong and weak points.Adj.(1)  Very small in amount: 手無寸鐵 a man unarmed (“not a scrap of metal”);寸步難行 cannot walk a step;寸土寸地 a wisp of territory;寸絲不掛 totally nude;寸腸 my little thoughts or feelings;寸紙 a short note;寸刻,寸,寸晷 even a brief moment (must be utilized);寸功 humble achievement or service;寸進 small progress;寸草不留 complete devastation of land.(2)  (Coll.) just right, right moment: 他來得真寸 he comes just at the right time.Words1. 寸衷 [cun4zhong1], n., (LL) my heart, innermost feelings.2. 寸口 [cun4kou3], n., (Chin. med.) a person's pulse on the wrist.3. 寸心 [cun4xin1], n., see [cun4zhong1]↑.4. 寸田 [cun4tian2], n., the heart (from 心田).5. 寸子 [cun4zi0], n., (Chin. opera) false sole worn by actress.6. 寸陰 [cun4yin1], n., a few minutes, a very short time (to be valued for study and not squandered.)寸1. a unit of length equal to one-third decimeter2. very small; little寸[cùn]量1. a traditional unit of length2. 略 见〖市寸〗形very little; very short; small




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