

释义 寮1. cottage2. hut寮 liáo1) small house; hut (茶寮)2) Laos (寮国)寮LiáoLaosliáohutshacksmall windowvariant of 僚[liáo]寮 n. <方>hut茅寮 straw hut竹寮 bamboo hut茶寮酒肆 teahouses and wine shops寮 liáo 名  (方) (小屋) small house; shack; hut:  茅寮 hut;  僧寮 a monk's cell (dwelling);  茶寮酒肆 tea booths and wineshops (姓氏) a surname:  寮全 Liao Quan 寮寮 916B45  62.01-1  部居  畫數 15ㄌㄧㄠˊ [liao2] N.A small house, shack, hut: 草寮 hut;僧寮 monk's dwelling;茶寮 tea booth;妓寮 brothel (also u.f. 僚 91A.01).寮1. a fellow officer or official; a colleague2. a hut; a cottage寮[liáo]名方 small house; hut♦ 僧~ a monk's cell (or hut)♦ 茶~酒肆 teahouses and wineshops




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