

释义 寡1. few2. lonely3. widowed寡 guǎ1) few; scant (寡言)2) tasteless (寡味)3) widowed (寡妇)寡guǎfewscantwidowed寡 v. 死了丈夫to be widowed adj. 少few寡见少闻 ill-informed and lacking in experience淡而无味bland清汤寡水 watery and bland寡 guǎ 形 (少; 缺少) few; little; scant:  孤陋寡闻 ignorant and ill-informed;  沉默寡言 taciturn; uncommunicative (淡而无味) tasteless; insipid:  清汤寡水 watery soup; sth. insipid;  索然寡味 dull and monotonous 名 (丈夫死去并未再嫁的女人) widow:  鳏寡 widowers and widows (妇女丧偶独居的性质或状态) widowhood:  守寡 live in widowhood 代 (谦) (古代君主自称) I寡寡 929C20  62.50-3  部居  畫數 14ㄍㄨㄚˇ [gua3] Adj.(1)  Little, few: 寡斷 lacking in decision;寡廉鮮恥 shameless, brazenfaced;寡情 unfeeling, cold, devoid of human warmth;寡恩 merciless, cruel;寡二少雙 matchless, without peer;寡欲 with few desires;寡過,寡尤 try to have few mistakes, misdemeanors;寡聞 ignorant, not well read, uninformed.(2)  Widowed: see 寡婦 [gua3fu0]↓;寡居 widowhood.Words1. 寡婦 [gua3fu0], n., a widow.2. 寡合 [gua3he2], adj., aloof from people, having few friends.3. 寡陋 [gua3lou4], adj., ignorant, uninformed.4. 寡人 [gua3ren2], pron., (AC) (polite) I, your unworthy king, equiv. "royal we."寡1. few; scant2. tasteless3. widowed双向☞寡--渐〔词头〕双向☞稀少--寡寡[guǎ]形1. few; scant♦ 以寡敌众 2. bland; tasteless♦ 清汤寡水 3. widowed♦ 鳏~ widowers and widows




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