

释义 文馨英漢☞寢寝 qǐn1) sleep (就寝)2) bedroom (寝室)3) wr. stop; end4) imperial tomb/mausoleum寝qǐnold variant of 寝[qǐn]qǐnto lie down寝 n. 卧室bedroom帝王的坟墓tomb v. 睡to sleep就寝 retire for the night停止;平息<书>to stop其议遂寝。 The discussion closed.此事已寝。 The matter is closed.寝 qǐn 动 (睡) sleep:  独寝 sleep alone;  废寝忘食 (so absorbed or occupied as to) forget about eating and sleeping  (书) (停止; 平息) stop; end:  其事遂寝。 The matter was then allowed to rest.; No more was heard of the matter thereafter. 名 (卧室) bedroom:  就寝 go to bed (帝王的坟墓) coffin chamber:  陵寝 imperial burial place; mausoleum (姓氏) a surname:  寝承 Qin Cheng 寝1. sleep寝[qǐn]动sleep♦ 废寝忘食 名1. bedroom♦ 就寝 2. coffin chamber♦ 陵寝




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