

单词 宽心
释义 文馨英漢☞寬心宽心 kuānxīnfeel relieved/relaxed宽心kuānxīnrelievedcomfortedto relieve anxietiesat easerelaxedreassuringhappy宽心to be assured请你宽心 please be assured你可以宽心,不会出问题。 You can rest assured, everything will go smoothly.宽心 kuān xīn feel relieved; find relief; be relaxed; be at ease; feel at rest; set one's mind at ease; feel free from anxiety:  说几句宽心话 say a few reassuring words;  好言劝慰使人宽心。 The kind advice rests easily on one's conscience. 宽心a.relieved宽心的,宽慰的;表示宽慰的n.relief(痛苦、忧虑等消除后感到的)轻松,宽心,宽慰vt.relieve[常用被动语态]使宽心,使宽慰宽心1. to feel relieved; to find relief; to be relaxed; to be at ease宽心feel relieved♦ 说几句~话 say a few reassuring words♦ 请喝杯茶, 宽宽心。 Please have a cup of tea and relax yourself.




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