

释义 容1. appearance2. looks3. to bear4. to allow5. to contain6. to tolerate容 róngI v.1) contain这个电梯只能容十个人。 This elevator can hold only ten people.2) allow; tolerate容我说几句行吗? Would you let me say a few words?II b.f.looks; appearance她笑容满面。 She's all smiles.III n.SurnameIV adv. wr.wr. perhaps; probably容Róngsurname Rongróngto holdto containto allowto tolerateappearancelookcountenance容 n. 脸上的神情;脸上的气色expression; complexion愁容 gloomy expression笑容 smiling face他病容满面。 Illness stalked his face.参见:容貌[róngmào]事物呈现的景象appearance军容 soldier's bearing市容 appearance of a city阵容 battle formation v. 参见:容纳[róngnà]容不下 cannot hold公共汽车能容八十人。 The bus can hold eighty people.参见:容情[róngqíng]情理难容 be contrary to accepted codes of conduct参见:容许不容分说 brook no argument不容外人干涉 not permit outside interference adv. <书>参见:容或[rónghuò]容有不当之处,尚希原宥。 Please forgive any improprieties, should there be any.容 róng 动 (容纳; 包含) hold; contain:  可容水30000多立方米的蓄水池 a reservoir with a capacity of over 30000 cubic metres;  几条小河容不下雨季的全部雨水。 The few small rivers could not hold all the rain that fell during the wet season.  那个杯子可容一夸脱啤酒。 That glass will contain a quart of beer.  这大房间能容6张床。 This big room can accommodate six beds.  这个港口容得下巨型油船和货轮。 The harbour admits large tankers and freighters.  这个阅览室能容100人。 The reading room can hold a hundred people.  这座大桥可容4辆卡车并列通行。 The bridge can take four lorries abreast. (宽容; 原谅) tolerate:  宽容 be tolerant;  情理难容 incompatible with the accepted code of human conduct;  他往往不能容人。 He is intolerant towards others. (允许; 让) permit; allow:  不容怀疑 admit of no doubt;  不容歪曲 brook no distortion;  此事不容耽搁。 The matter allows of no delay.  详情容后再告。 Permit me to give the details later.  这是不容争议的。 That admits of no dispute. 名 (脸上的神情和气色) facial expression:  愁容 a worried look; an anxious expression;  怒容 an angry look;  笑容 a smiling face (比喻事物所呈现的景象、状态) appearance; looks:  市容 the appearance (look) of a city;  阵容 lineup; battle array (姓氏) a surname:  容闳 Rong Hong 林语堂林语堂★◀▶容容 926A35  62.40-8  部居  畫數 10ㄖㄨㄥˊ [rong2] N.A person's looks, appearance: 容表 one's outward appearance;容貌 [rong2mao4]↓;容顏 facial appearance and expression;容華 features and complexion;容長臉兒 an oval face;容態,容觀,儀容 deportment, bearing;容儀 facial features, countenance;容質 appearance and character;容止 carriage, manners;笑容 a smiling face: 笑容可掬 beaming with smiles;正容 assume a serious look;花容失色 (of a woman's face) turn pale, as from fear;女為悅己者容 a girl will doll herself up for him who loves her;整容 tidy up one's appearance, visit the barber;美容 ditto;美容院 a beauty parlor;修容 improve one's appearance, make up the face.V.t.(1)  Tolerate, allow, permit: 容受 [rong2shou4]↓;容忍 [rong2ren3]↓;容恕[rong2shu4]↓;容讓 give in, yield;容諒 pardon, forgive and forget;容不下 cannot endure, cannot accommodate;容事 have the capacity for work;容人之過 be tolerant of (forgive) other people's mistakes (wrongdoing, weaknesses);容我幾天 please give me a few days' grace;容留 give shelter to, allow to stay;容身 [rong2shen1]↓;容膝 [rong2xi1]↓;容足地 a temporary shelter, a place to put up in;難容 cannot get along with (endure, accommodate), also intolerable (misdemeanor);無以自容 be ashamed of oneself (“nowhere to hide one's face”).(2)  Let, permit: 容他過去 let him go;容日再來 permit me to come another day;容待 let's wait until;容俟 ditto.Words1. 容乞 [rong2qi3], v.t., ask permission for, request.2. 容情 [rong2qing2], v.t., be lenient to, make special allowance for.3. 容電器 [rong2dian4qi4], n., (phys.) a condenser, a capacitor.4. 容光 [rong2guang1], n., (1) one's facial expression, general appearance; (2) a slit, a fissure, a crevice.5. 容或 [rong2huo4], adv., perhaps, maybe, possibly.6. 容積 [rong2ji1], n., volume as measured in cubic units.7. 容接 [rong2jie1], v.t., to welcome, receive (guests).8. 容裝科 [rong2zhuang1ke1], n., (Peking opera) make-up men.9. 容車 [rong2jU1], n., (1) formerly, a curtained carriage for women; (2) formerly, a funeral car intended for use by the soul of the deceased.10. 容量 [rong2liang4], n., capacity to contain or hold, also 容額 [rong2e2].11. 容貌 [rong2mao4], n., a person's facial appearance and expression.12. 容納 [rong2na4], v.t., (1) be magnanimous enough to tolerate; (2) accept (ideas, views, suggestions).13. 容忍 [rong2ren3], v.t. & adj. & n., tolerate, -ant, -tion.14. 容熱量 [rong2re4liang4], n., (phys.) heat capacity.15. 容容 [rong2rong2], adj., (1) (AC) negligent of one's duties, taking things lightly, lacking seriousness of purpose; (2) (AC) flying, fluttering, floating in the air.16. 容色 [rong2se4], n., countenance.17. 容身 [rong2shen1], v.i., have somewhere to stay: 無地容身 nowhere to live, ashamed to show one's face.18. 容膝 [rong2xi1], n., a tiny spot, a small nook (“just big enough for the knees”).19. 容限 [rong2xian4], n., limitation, limit of capacity.20. 容臭 [rong2xiu4], n., (AC) a bag of spices or perfume carried on body.21. 容受 [rong2shou4], v.t., (1) be able to contain or hold; (2) endure, put up with.22. 容恕 [rong2shu4], v.t., forgive, pardon.23. 容許 [rong2xU3], (1) v.t., permit; (2) adj., permissible; (3) adv., perhaps, maybe.24. 容易 [rong2yi4]1 ([rong2yi0]), adj., (of things) easy to do or understand, simple, requiring not much skill or effort.25. 容裔 [rong2yi4]2, adj., (AC) (1) fluttering in the wind; (2) free from care or worry; (3) (of currents) undulating.26. 容隱 [rong2yin3], v.t., try to cover up, not to reveal.27. 容悅 [rong2yUe4], v.t., flatter, toady to, try to please, curry the favor of.28. 容與 [rong2yU3], (LL) (1) adj., carefree, at ease with oneself; (2) v.t., give free rein to, put under no constraint.容容 [rong2rong2], adj., (1) (AC) negligent of one's duties, taking things lightly, lacking seriousness of purpose; (2) (AC) flying, fluttering, floating in the air.容1. to contain; to hold2. to tolerate3. to allow4. facial expression5. looks; appearance容[róng]动1. hold; contain♦ 这个礼堂能~一千人。 The auditorium can hold a thousand people. or The auditorium has a seating capacity of 1, 000.♦ 这座大桥可~四辆卡车并列通行。 The bridge can take four lorries a breast.2. tolerate♦ ~人之过 be tolerant of others' mistakes♦ ~不得不同意见 cannot tolerate dissenting views3. permit; allow♦ 详情~后再告。 Permit me to give the details later.♦ 请~我考虑几天再作决定吧! Please give me a few days to consider before I make my decision.名1. facial expression♦ 笑容 2. appearance; looks♦ 仪容




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