

单词 家门
释义 文馨英漢☞家門家门 jiāmén1) house door2) wr. family (viewed in the light of its social standing)3) topo. a member of one's own clan/family4) trad. noble family家门jiāménhouse doorfamily clan家门家door学校离家门不远。 School is not far from home.<书>参见:家族[jiāzú]辱没家门 bring shame on one's family本家<方>member of one's own family他是我的家门堂兄弟。 He's my cousin on my father's side.个人的经历及家庭情况family background自报家门 introduce oneself家门 jiā mén door of a house; family clan; the family of a high-ranking official家门1. house gate; home♦ 好多天没出~ have not stepped out of the house for days; have been staying indoors for days2. 书 family♦ 有辱~ bring disgrace to the family3. 方 member of the same clan♦ 他是我的~堂兄弟。 He is my cousin and we are of the same clan.4. family background♦ 自报~ give one's family background; tell about one's family




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