

释义 文馨英漢☞審审 shěnI v.1) examine; go over这案子还没审呢。 This case has not been tried (in court) yet.2) interrogate; try3) wr. knowII adv.1) carefully2) wr. indeedIII n.Surname审shěnto examineto investigatecarefullyto try (in court)审 v. 参见:审查[shěnchá]审稿 go over a manuscript参见:审讯[shěnxùn]审案 try a case审犯人 try a prisoner公审 public trial知道<书>to know adv. 详细meticulously周密carefully的确,果然<书>indeed审如其言。 What he said is indeed true.审 shěn 形 (详细; 周密) careful:  审察 careful observation;  审视 look closely at ; gaze at; examine 动 (审查) examine; go over:  审稿 go over a manuscript or draft (审讯) interrogate; try:  公审 put sb. on public trial;  审案 try a case;  他因谋杀罪而受审。 He was tried for murder.  (书) (知道) know:  未审其详 not know the details 副 (书) (的确; 果然) indeed; really:  审如其言。 What he says is indeed true. 名 (姓氏) a surname:  审食其 Shen Yiji 林语堂林语堂★◀▶林语堂☞審林语堂☞讅审1. careful2. in detail3. to examine4. to try (a case)审[shěn]形careful; meticulous♦ 审视 动1. examine; go over♦ ~稿 go over a manuscript or draft and give comments2. interrogate; try♦ ~案 try a case3. 书 know; be aware of♦ 未~其详 not know the details




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