

单词 实话
释义 文馨英漢☞實話实话 shíhuàtruth你要实话实说。 You should tell the truth as it is.实话shíhuàtruth实话truth说实话 speak the truth实话实说 tell it like it is我说的句句是实话。 Everything I've said is the truth.没有一句是实话。 Not a single sentence was the truth.实话 shí huà truth:  说实话 tell the truth;  你所说的没有一句是实话。 There is not a particle of truth in what you said.  他讲的全是实话。 He tells the perfect truth. 实话1. the truth实话truth♦ 说~ tell the truth~实说 speak frankly; talk straight; not mince matters




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