

单词 定量
释义 定量1. quantum2. a ration3. fixed quantity定量 dìngliàng1) n. fixed quantity2) v.o. quantify the components of a substance3) attr. quantitative定量dìngliàngquantityfixed amountration定量测定成分的数量to quantify定量研究 quantitative research规定数量;规定剂量to ration; to dose定量供应 ration严格地定量分配 strictly ration规定的数量fixed amount粮食定量 food ration超出定量 exceed the quota定量 dìng liàng (规定的数量) quantify; norm; ration; allowance; batching; quantitative determination:  取消汽油定量配给 eliminate rationing on gasoline;  战时定量配给 wartime rationing (测定物质所含各种成分的数量) determine the amounts of the components of a substance 定量泵 constant delivery (displacement) pump; pump of constant delivery type; 定量变量 quantitative variable; 定量测量 quantitative measurement; 定量沉淀试验 {免疫} quantitative precipitation test; 定量电视显微镜 quantimet; 定量斗 measure hopper; 定量反应 quantitative reaction; 定量分配 rationing; 定量分析 quantitative analysis; 定量给砂机 constant-weight feeder; 定量供应 rationing; fixed supply; 定量供应商品 goods on ration;rationing of goods; 定量加氯机 portion chlorinator; 定量监控 quantitative monitoring; 定量金相 quantitative metallography; 定量理论 quantitative theory; 定量流变学 quantitative rheology; 定量流动 fixed rate flow; 定量滤纸 quantitative (filter) paper; 定量马达 fixed (constant) displacement motor; 定量凝胶扩散试验 {免疫} quantitative gel diffusion tests; 定量配料设备 rationing equipment; 定量器 batcher; 定量试验 quantitative test; 定量调节 {机} batching; 定量调节器 metering control; 定量系统分析 quantified system analysis; 定量细胞光度学 quantitative cytophotometry; 定量心理学 quantitative psychology; 定量显微镜 quantitative microscope; 定量预测 quantitative forecasting; 定量证明 quantam of proof; 定量装载器 loading cartridge; 定量(给料)装置 dosing device; 定量追肥 dosing; 定量自体放射照相术 quantitative autoradiography; 定量作业管理 task management定量a.quantitative【化】定量的n.rate〈废〉定量size〈废〉(饮食等的)定量allowance限额;定量stint定量,限额;分配的任务,定额工作;工作期限,规定的任期quota(分)配额;限额;定额;定量ration(供应短缺时粮食等的)配给量,定量定量1. of fixed amount or quantity (as of a diet)2. to quantitatively determine or ascertain the components of a substance定量definite quantity定量mensura {Lat.}定量quantitation双向☞定量--定量法双向☞定量--等量双向☞定额--定量双向☞量化--定量定量1. fixed quantity; ration♦ ~供应 rationing2. determine the amounts of the components of a substance~分析 [化]quantitative analysis英華英華★◀▶英華☞DETERMINATION英華☞DETERMINATE




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