

单词 定弦
释义 定弦 dìngxián(r)1) tune a stringed instrument2) coll. make up one's mind定弦dìngxiántuning (stringed instrument)(fig.) to make up one's mind定弦调整乐器的弦to tune比喻打定主意<方>to make up one's mind定弦 dìng xián tune a stringed instrument; tune (up):  管弦乐队在定弦。 The orchestra are tuning up. 定弦(兒) [ding4xUan2]([ding4xUan2er0]), v.i., to tune string instrument.定弦n.tuning调音,定弦;(合唱队、管弦乐队等的)起音,定音vi.tune调音,定弦定弦1. tuning2. to tune up; to tune a stringed instrument定弦1. tune a stringed instrument2. 方 make up one's mind




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