

释义 官1. officer2. government official官 guān(r)I n.government official; officeholderII b.f.1) organ (器官)2) government-owned; official (官方)3) publicIII n.Surname官Guānsurname Guanguāngovernment officialgovernmentalofficialpublicorgan of the bodyCL:个[gè]官 n. 官吏official大官 senior official小官 junior official升官 be promoted器官organ感官 sensory organ adj. 公家的state-owned公共的public官厕 public toilet官 guān 名 (经过任命的、一定等级以上的公职人员) government official; officer; public servant; officeholder:  外交官 diplomat;  文官 civil official;  指挥官 commanding officer;  军官 officer;  武官 military attaché (器官) organ:  感官 sense organ;  五官 the five sense organs (ears, eyes, lips, nose and tongue) (姓氏) a surname:  官秉忠 Guan Bingzhong 形 (旧时称属于政府的或公家的) government-owned; belonging to the government or public:  官办 run by the government;  官俸 official emoluments (公共的; 公用的) public:  官款 public funds 官官 924B30  62.40-4  部居  畫數 8ㄍㄨㄢ [guan1] N.(1)  A public servant, an official: 官吏 [guan1li4]1, 官員 [guan1yUan2]↓;百官 the official hierarchy;官府 [guan1fu3]↓;清官 an upright and incorruptible official;貪官 a corrupt official;當官,做官 become an official, hold an official post;罷官 resign or be dismissed from office;亂官 resign from office;官迷 a form of obsession to be official.(2)  (Physiol.) the sense organs: 器官 bodily organs;五官 (physiol.) the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, also the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and hands: 五官端正 well-formed features;官能 [guan1neng2]↓;感官 sensory organs.(3)  A surname.V.i. & t.(LL) be posted at: 官貴陽 was official at 貴陽;官至 (in biographies) he reached the rank of.Adj. & adv.Belonging to the public or government: 官方 [guan1fang1]↓;官辦 government-operated;官派 appointed by the government;官面兒 [guan1miaher0]↓;官立,官准 established, authorized by the government;官房 government offices or buildings;官俸 official emoluments;官地 public land;官款 public funds;官街 public streets and roads;官產 public property;官舍 official residence.Words1. 官罷 [guan1ba4], n., (MC) settlement of dispute by official mediation.2. 官報 [guan1bao4], n., official bulletin or gazette.3. 官兵 [guan1bing1], n., government troops.4. 官場 [guan1chang3], n., (1) officialdom; (2) public-operated markets.5. 官差 [guan1chai1], n., (1) official business; (2) government messengers or servants.6. 官腔 [guan1qiang1], n., official jargon: 打官腔 (of officials) to talk official jargon, assume official airs in speech and action, summarily turn down even reasonable requests.7. 官契 [guan1qi4], n., deeds or other documents officially registered with the authorities.8. 官親 [guan1qin1], n., relatives of officials.9. 官邸 [guan1di3], n., an official residence.10. 官方 [guan1fang1], (1) n., a code of official conduct; n., on the official side; (2) adj., belonging to the government; adj., 官方子 (Chin. med.) a drug for pregnant women to prevent miscarriage.11. 官費 [guan1fei4], n., funds from public coffers: 官費生 government scholarship students.12. 官府 [guan1fu3], n., (1) government officers; (2) a high government official:13. 官桂 [guan1gui4], n., best-quality cinnamon.14. 官話 [guan1hua4], n., (1) (of officialdom) high-sounding but insincere words; (2) formerly, the mandarin language.15. 官宦 [guan1huan4], n., official service.16. 官長 [guan1zhang3], n., a gen. term for officials in charge.17. 官箴 [guan1zhen1], n., rules of official conduct: 有玷官箴 official misconduct.18. 官家 [guan1jia1], n., (1) (MC) the king; (2) (MC) the government.19. 官價 [guan1jia4], n., (1) official prices of commodities as fixed by the government; (2) formerly, special rate of prices paid for purchases made by the government.20. 官架子 [guan1jia4zi0], n., superior airs assumed by officials: 他的官架子十足!how he likes to assume superior airs!21. 官階 [guan1jie1], n., official ranking.22. 官界 [guan1jie4], n., officialdom.23. 官妓 [guan1ji4]1, n., formerly, state-owned prostitutes (generally from confiscated families of the condemned).24. 官計 [guan1ji4]2, n., rating of official performances at annual or other intervals.25. 官制 [guan1zhi4], n., (1) rules and regulations governing the organization, duties, and functions of government offices; (2) system of governmental organization.26. 官職 [guan1zhi2], n., (1) duties and responsibilities of officials; (2) official ranking.27. 官爵 [guan1jUe2], n., official ranking and titular honors.28. 官客 [guan1ke4]1, n., a male guest at parties (as dist. from 堂客 female guests).29. 官課 [guan1ke4]2, n., formerly, government levies.30. 官僚 [guan1liao2], n., (1) (contempt.) a politician, a bureaucrat: 官僚政治,官僚主義 bureaucracy; (2) a professional politician.31. 官吏 [guan1li4]1, n., government official, functionaries.32. 官利 [guan1li4]2, n., (business) fixed profits payable to shareholders, similar to preferred stocks.33. 官裡 [guan1li3], n., (MC) (1) the king; (2) a government office: 捉將官裡去 take into custody.34. 官賣 [guan1mai4], n., government monopoly sale.35. 官面兒 [guan1miaher0], (1) n., the government; (2) adj., of the official class: 官面兒上的朋友 friends among the officials.36. 官名 [guan1ming2], n., an official title.37. 官能 [guan1neng2], n., organic functions.38. 官人 [guan1ren2], n., (1) (AC) appointment of officials; (2) (MC) sir, a squire with or without an official title (similar to Eng. sl. “governor”); (3) (MC) husband in relation to his wife, used in the second or third person; (4) (MC) government messenger of agent: 官人把他拿去了 he was arrested by a government agent.39. 官身 [guan1shen1], n., (1) employment in government service: 官身不自由 restraints of official service; (2) (MC, of actors or prostitutes) formerly, command performance or service.40. 官聲 [guan1sheng1], n., reputation enjoyed by an official (honest, corrupt).41. 官銜 [guan1xian0], n., an official rank.42. 官書 [guan1shu1], n., (MC) (1) official documents; (2) government publications or archives; (3) formerly, a collection of laws and regulations promulgated by the government.43. 官署 [guan1shu3]1, n., government offices.44. 官屬 [guan1shu3]2, n., bureaucrats.45. 官事 [guan1shi4], n., (1) public affairs; (2) a lawsuit.46. 官所兒 [guan1suo3er0], n., (coll.) government offices.47. 官司 [guan1si1], n., (1) ([guan-sy) official duties and responsibilities; (2) (guan1si0]) a lawsuit.48. 官堂 [guan1tang2], n., better furnished rooms in a public bath.49. 官體 [guan1ti3], n., official dignity.50. 官廳 [guan1ting1], n., (1) government offices; (2) formerly, living quarters of garrison forces.51. 官艙 [guan1cang1], n., second-class cabins on board a steamer.52. 官燕 [guan1yan4], n., (Chin. cuisine) swallow's nests of the best quality.53. 官樣 [guan1yang4], adj., (1) dignified, elegant; (2) bureaucratic: 官樣文章 high-sounding verbiage, red tape.54. 官衙 [guan1ya2], n., government office.55. 官鹽 [guan1yan2], n., salt authorized by the government for sale on the open market.56. 官瑤 [guan1yao2], n., government porcelain works.57. 官醫 [guan1yi1], medical officer for prisons.58. 官印 [guan1yin4], n., (1) an official seal; (2) (formerly court.) a person's given name.59. 官員 [guan1yUan2], n., a government official.60. 官運 [guan1yUn4], n., (1) (fortunetelling) a person's chances of official promotion: 官運亨通 a politician's spell of good fortune; (2) government freight or cargo.官1. a government official2. an officer官[guān]名1. government official; officer; officeholder♦ 大~ a high official♦ 他做过什么~?What official positions has he held?2. organ (a part of the body)♦ 感官 形governmental; official♦ 官办




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