

释义 宗1. ancestor2. clan3. faction4. model5. purpose6. great master宗 zōngI b.f.1) forefathers; ancestors (祖宗)2) clan (同宗, 宗兄)3) sect; faction; school (禅宗)4) principal aim (宗旨)5) model; great master (宗师)6) ancestral temple (宗庙)7) religion (宗教)8) venerate (宗仰)9) pay court to10) take as one's model (in academic or artistic work)II n.1) trad. Tibetan county-like unit2) SurnameIII m.for items/batches宗Zōngsurname Zongzōngschoolsectpurposemodelancestorclanto take as one's model (in academic or artistic work)classifier for batches, items, cases (medical or legal), reservoirs宗西藏地区旧行政区划单位county n. 祖宗ancestor列祖列宗 forefathers参见:宗族[zōngzú]同姓不同宗 have the same surname but not be from the same clan参见:宗派正宗 orthodox school参见:宗旨[zōngzhǐ]万变不离其宗。 The central principle remains the same.参见:宗师[zōngshī]文宗 literary master v. 参见:宗法他的唱功宗的是梅派 he takes the Mei Lanfang school as his model for singing宗 zōng 名 (祖宗) ancestor; forbears; forefathers:  列祖列宗 successive generations of ancestors (家族) clan:  同姓不同宗 a person of the same surname but belonging to a different clan (宗派; 派别) sect; school; faction:  禅宗 the Chan sect of Buddhism; Zen;  正宗 orthodox school (宗旨) principal aim; purpose:  开宗明义 make clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning;  万变不离其宗 change ten thousand times without departing from the original aim (为众人所师法的人物) model; great master:  文宗 an eminent writer among the man of letters of the time;  一代诗宗 an outstanding figure among the poets of the time (西藏地区旧行政区划单位, 相当于县) an administrative unit in Xizang, roughly corresponding to the county (祖庙) ancestral temple (姓氏) a surname:  宗泽 Zong Ze 动 (在学术或文艺上效法) take as one's model in academic or artistic work:  宗仰 hold in esteem; venerate; revere 形 (同一家族的) of the same clan:  宗弟 a younger brother of the same clan 量 (桩; 批):  大宗邮件 a batch of mail;  大宗款项 a large sum of money;  一宗心事 a matter that worries one; a matter on one's mind 宗宗 916C20  62.01-3  部居  畫數 8ㄗㄨㄥ [zong1] N.(1)  Lineage, ancestry: 祖宗 ancestor;列祖列宗 forbears, forefathers;大(小)宗 offspring by direct (lateral) descent.(2)  A posthumous title for a king or emperor.(3)  A clan: 同宗 a member of the same clan;同姓不同宗 a person of the same surname but belonging to a different clan.(4)  School of thought: 宗派 [zong1pai4]↓;宗徒 apostle;禪宗 the Zen sect (of Buddhism).(5)  An item, a batch: 一宗 one item;大宗郵件 a batch of mail;宗宗件件,宗宗樣樣 all kinds (sorts), things of every description;卷宗 files, archives.(6)  A surname.V. i.(1)  Venerate, revere: 宗仰 [zong1yang3]↓.(2)  Pay court to: 朝宗 pay homage to the ruler: 江漢朝宗於海 the Yangtse and the Hahn empty themselves into the sea.Words1. 宗臣 [zong1chen2], n., (1) (AC) a clan officer; (2) a respected minister of state.2. 宗器 [zong1qi4], n., ceremonial vessels in the royal ancestral shrine.3. 宗親 [zong1qin1], n., clan relatives.4. 宗弟 [zong1di4], n., (1) a younger clan brother; (2) (AC) a younger brother born of the wife in relation to an elder one born of a concubine.5. 宗法 [zong1fa3], n., ancient clan system: 宗法社會 ancient society based upon the family system.6. 宗藩 [zong1fan2], n., (AC) members of the royal clan holding feudal benefices.7. 宗風 [zong1feng1], n., (Budd.) the characteristic features of a sect.8. 宗婦 [zong1fu4], n., (AC) wife of the eldest son by direct descent.9. 宗工 [zong1gong1], n., see [zong1jiang4]↓.10. 宗國 [zong1guo2], n., fatherland.11. 宗匠 [zong1jiang4], n., a great respected master.12. 宗教 [zong1jiao4], n., religion.13. 宗主 [zong1zhu3], n., (1) a memorial ancestral tablet in ancestral shrine; (2) the eldest son born of one's wife (cf. 庶子 a son born of one's concubine); 宗主權 sovereignty, sovereign rights.14. 宗枝 [zong1zhi1], n., a lateral branch of the clan.15. 宗旨 [zong1zhi3], n., (1) aims and purposes (of association, club); (2) essential ideas, main points (of lecture, sermon).16. 宗老 [zong1lao3], n., the elders of a clan.17. 宗類 [zong1lei4], n., see [zong1zu2]↓.18. 宗門 [zong1men2], n., (1) clan relatives; (2) a Buddhist sect.19. 宗廟 [zong1miao4], n., the royal ancestral shrine.20. 宗女 [zong1nU3], n., (AC) a girl of royal descent.21. 宗派 [zong1pai4], n., religious sects, schools of thought.22. 宗人 [zong1ren2], n., royal clan members: 宗人府 an office in charge of the affairs of royal members.23. 宗社 [zong1she4], n., the state as symbolized by the royal ancestral shrine and the temples.24. 宗師 [zong1shi1], n., a great respected teacher and master.25. 宗室 [zong1shi4], n., members of the royal clan.26. 宗學 [zong1xUe2], n., a school for members of the royal household.27. 宗兄 [zong1xiong1], n., (1) an elder clan brother; (2) (AC) an elder brother born of the wife in relation to one born of the concubine.28. 宗祀 [zong1si4], n., clan ancestral temple.29. 宗祧 [zong1tiao1], n., the ancestral shrine.30. 宗祠 [zong1ci2], n., the ancestral temple of a clan.31. 宗族 [zong1zu2], n., the paternal clan.32. 宗子 [zong1zi3], n., the eldest son born of one's wife (opp. 庶子 a son born of one's concubine).33. 宗仰 [zong1yang3], v. t., look up to with awe, admire at a distance (cf. 崇仰 21.01).34. 宗彝 [zong1yi2], n., ceremonial vessels of the royal ancestral shrine.宗n.lineage家系,家族,宗phr.plus strain【微】(异宗配合的霉菌两个宗中的)宗minus strain(异宗配合的霉菌两个宗中的)负宗,宗宗1. an ancestor; a clan2. a great master; a model3. to take as one's model; to learn from4. a set; a religion宗[zōng]名1. ancestor♦ 祖宗 2. clan♦ 同宗 3. sect; faction; school♦ 正宗 4. principal aim; purpose♦ 开宗明义 5. model; great master动(in academic or artistic work) take as one's model♦ 他的唱工~的是梅派。 In singing he takes Mei Lanfang as his model.量一~心事 a matter that worries one




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