

释义 完1. intact2. to finish3. to complete完 wánI v./cmp.1) exhaust; use up2) finish; complete这支笔你用完了吗? Have you finished with this pen?II b.f.1) whole; complete (完整)2) trad. pay (taxes/levies) (完税, 完粮)完wánto finishto be overwholecompleteentire完 v. 没有剩余to run out信纸完了 ran out of letter paper时间完了 time is up柴烧完了 firewood is all burned up钱花完了 spent all the money材料都用完了 used all the materials子弹打完了 fired all the bullets参见:完结[wánjié];完成[wánchéng]读完中学 finish middle school听完物理课程 finish listening to a physics course走完一条街 walk all the way down a street一封没有写完的信 an incomplete letter信还没有写完。 The letter is not finished.他已经写完了。 He has finished writing.事情还没有办完。 The matter has not been completely resolved.办就要办完。 If you do something, do it all the way to the end.你听完了再说。 Listen to everything first and then speak.我们听他说完了再走。 Let's leave after he finishes speaking.他说起来就没有个完。 Once he starts talking he just does not stop.参见:完蛋[wándàn]完了!完了! Done for! It's all done for!完了!再没有指望了。 That's it! There's no more hope.参见:完税[wánshuì] adj. 参见:完全[wánquán];完整[wánzhěng]完 wán 形 (全; 完整) intact; whole:  体无完肤 have cuts and bruises all over the body;  覆巢之下无完卵。 When a bird's nest is overturned, no egg can remain intact. 动 (完结; 完成) end; finish; complete; be over:  这只小鸡完了。 The chicken died.  会马上就完。 The meeting will be over soon.  我要说的话完了。 That's all I wanted to say. (交纳) pay:  完钱粮 pay farm tax;  完税 pay taxes (消耗尽; 不剩) run out; use up:  煤烧完了, 只好烧木头。 We ran out of coal, and had to burn wood.  墨水用完了。 The ink is used up. 名 (姓氏) a surname:  完杰 Wan Jie 完完 931B10  62.70-3  部居  畫數 7ㄨㄢˊ [wan2] V.i.(1)  To finish, complete: 完畢,完工 [wan2bi4]1, [wan2gong1]↓;完了 [wan2liao3];完成 [wan2cheng2]↓: 未完 unfinished;完蛋 (vulg.) done for.(2)  To pay tax: 完稅 ditto;完錢糧 pay farm tax.(3)  (AC) to keep (a country) intact: 完吳 preserve the state of Wur.Adj. & adv.Complete, -ly, whole, tidy: 完全,完好,完美 [wan2qUan2], [wan2hao3], [wan2mei3]↓.Words1. 完案 [wan2an4], phr., close a case at court.2. 完備 [wan2bei4], adj., complete, well provided.3. 完畢 [wan2bi4]1, v.i. & t., (ceremonies) close; (work) comes to an end; to end (work).4. 完璧 [wan2bi4]2, phr., 完璧歸趙 (AC allu.) to return thing to owner intact.5. 完成 [wan2cheng2], v.t., to complete (project, building, etc.); p.p., is completed.6. 完清 [wan2qing1], v.t., to clear off (accounts).7. 完全 [wan2qUan2] (warn-'chyan), adj. & adv., complete, -ly.8. 完工 [wan2gong1], v.i., to complete work, (work) is completed.9. 完好 [wan2hao3], adj., intact, not cracked.10. 完婚 [wan2hun1], v.i., to marry, be married: 已經完婚 already married; wedding.11. 完整 [wan2zheng3]([wan2zheng0]), adj., intact, not broken; complete, tidy, orderly (procession, etc.).12. 完結 [wan2jie2], v.i. & t., to close accounts; closed.13. 完卷 [wan2jUan4], v.i., to finish an examination paper.14. 完聚 [wan2jU4], v.i., to gather together, be reunited.15. 完竣 [wan2jUn4], v.i., see [wan2gong1]↑.16. 完了 [wan2liao3], v.t., to complete (work); ([wan2le0]) it's finished; also one is broke; n., finis in movie.17. 完滿 [wan2man3], adj., satisfactory (meeting, negotiations), happy (marriage).18. 完美 [wan2mei3], adj., happy (marriage), beautiful (work of art).19. 完納 [wan2na4], v.t., to pay tax.20. 完篇 [wan2pian1], v.i., to complete a written piece.21. 完品 [wan2pin3], n., a perfect piece; a perfect character.22. 完人 [wan2ren2], n., a perfect man.23. 完善 [wan2shan4], adj., perfect, excellent (work).24. 完刑 [wan2xing2], n., (AC) light punishment of shaving beard only.25. 完事(兒) [wan2shi4]([wan2she4er0]), adj., finished, completed (business).26. 完稅 [wan2sui4], v.i., to pay tax.27. 完姻 [wan2yin1], v.i., see [wan2hun1]↑.完ad.out(拳击赛中)完(裁判员数到10时的用语)off光,完,尽;全部地n.thirty〈美〉(新闻通讯、 故事等末尾使用的符号)完,终,结束(通常写作 30)explicit(书籍或其一卷的)最后一些词;完,终vt.consummate(初次同房而)完(婚)完1. complete; intact2. to complete; to finish3. to be used up; to run out完[wán]动1. pay♦ 完税 2. run out; use up♦ 我们的煤快烧~了。 We're running out of coal.♦ 听~别人的话 hear sb. out♦ 信纸用~了。 The writing pad is used up.3. finish; complete; be over; be through♦ 我马上就~。 I'll be through soon.♦ 会开~了。 The meeting is over.♦ 下期续~ to be concluded in the next issue形intact; whole♦ 完好




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