

单词 安闲
释义 安闲 ānxiánpeaceful and carefree; enjoying leisure生活太安闲,有点儿单调。 Life is too easy, a bit dull.安闲ānxiánat one's easecarefreeānxiánpeaceful and carefreeleisurely安闲peaceful and relaxed安闲无事 be at leisure安闲的生活 life of leisure神态安闲 have a relaxed manner老人们安闲地在下棋。 The old people are playing a leisurely game of chess.安闲 ān xián leisurely; peaceful and carefree:  安闲自在 leisurely and carefree;  安闲的心情 a relaxed mood;  他不喜欢过安闲的生活。 He doesn't like a life of leisure. 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞安閒安闲a.pokesy行动缓慢的;安闲的,从容不迫的easeful〈书〉舒适的,慰人的;安闲的;懒散的安闲1. relaxed; leisurely; restful; peaceful and carefree安闲peaceful and carefree; relaxed; leisurely♦ ~自在 leisurely and carefree♦ ~的心情 a relaxed mood




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