

单词 安插
释义 安插1. to get a position for a person安插 ānchā1) v. place in certain position; assign to a job在故事中安插一段回忆 insert a flashback in the story.把毕业生安插在科研单位。 Put the graduates in scientific research units.2) n. hist. resettlement安插ānchāto place in a certain positionto assign to a jobto plantresettlement (old)安插to put in a certain place or position安插到工厂里工作 find a job for someone in a factory安插私人 find a position for a friend or relative安插亲信 plant a trusted aide or follower安插 ān chā place in a certain position; assign to a job; plant:  安插奸细 plant an enemy agent;  安插亲信 place one's trusted followers in key positions;  作者在这里安插了一段倒叙。 At this point the writer puts in (inserts) a flashback.  新徒工就安插在我们车间好吗? Could the new apprentice be assigned to our shop? 安插 [an1cha1], v.i., to place (friend, etc.) in organization, find job for (s.o.).安插n.placement(人员的)安插,工作安排;(学生的)编班emplacement放置;安插vt.place为…找到职位,安插,任命;为…找到住处,安置;为(作品)找到出版社plant布置(岗哨等);安插(间谍等)emplace安放,安置;安插;安装;使(火炮)进入阵地安插1. to provide placement for安插1. place (sb.)in a certain position; assign to a job♦ 这么多人叫我往哪儿~? Where can I find positions for so many people?♦ ~亲信 put one's trusted followers in key positions2. insert (an episode, etc.)into a story, play, article, etc.♦ 作者在这里~了一段倒叙。 At this point the writer puts in a flashback.




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