

单词 安乐窝
释义 文馨英漢☞安樂窩安乐窝 ānlèwō1) cozy nest; happy retreat2) an easy, comfortable life安乐窝ānlèwōcomfortable niche安乐窝cosy nest(Britain); cosy nest(US)营造安乐窝 build a cosy home指安逸舒适,养尊处优的生活环境和处所cosy and comfortable living environment安乐窝 ān lè wō (安逸的生活环境) a cosy nest; a love nest; a place of ease and comfort; a bed of down (roses; flowers)安乐窝n.pad〈美俚〉吸毒窝;娼妓窝;安乐窝nest安乐窝,安适的地方安乐窝1. a snug den; a cosy nest; a love nest; a bed of roses; a place of ease and comfort安乐窝cosy nest♦ 夫妇俩一直梦想着为自己建立一个~。 The couple always dreamed of building a cosy nest for themselves.




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