

释义 孑 jiéalone (孑然)孑jiéall alone孑 adj. <书>lonely孑 jié 形 (书) (单独; 孤单) lonely; all alone; solitary (剩余; 遗留) leftover; surviving; remaining 名 (姓氏) a surname:  孑宁 Jie Ning 林语堂林语堂★◀▶孑孑 534B35  32.00  部居  畫數 3ㄐㄧㄝˊ [jie2] Adj.(1)  Alone, solitary: 孑立 standing alone;孑然 [jie2ran2]↓;孑身 single, all by oneself.(2)  Left over, surviving, remaining: 孑遺 [jie2yi2]↓.Words1. 孑孑 [jie2jie2], adj., (1) conspicuous, prominent; (2) tiny.2. 孑孓 [jie2jUe2], n., the larvae of mosquitoes.3. 孑然 [jie2ran2], adj., solitary, lonely: 孑然一身 with no relatives, friendless.4. 孑遺 [jie2yi2], n., that which remains: 靡有孑遺 all have died off, no survivor.孑孑 [jie2jie2], adj., (1) conspicuous, prominent; (2) tiny.孑1. [Formal] lonely; all alone孑[jié]形书 lonely; all alone♦ 孑然




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