

单词 妖孽
释义 妖孽1. evil-doer妖孽 yāoniè1) unlucky omens2) calamities3) evildoer妖孽yāonièevildoer妖孽不祥的事物something associated with misfortune参见:妖魔鬼怪[yāo mó guǐ guài]专作坏事的人evil person法西斯妖孽 evil Fascist妖孽 yāo niè (怪异不祥的事物) person or event associated with evil or misfortune (专做坏事的人) evildoer妖孽 [yao1nie4], n., (1) a supernatural omen or event; (2) a person like a devil, a sexual pervert; n., (3) adj., perverse, evil.妖孽1. an evildoer2. persons or events associated with evil or misfortune妖孽书 1. person or event associated with evil or misfortune2. evildoer




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