

单词 如鸟兽散
释义 文馨英漢☞如鳥獸散如鸟兽散 rúniǎoshòusànflee helter-skelter如鸟兽散rúniǎoshòusànto scatter like birds and beasts (idiom)to flee in all directions如鸟兽散to disperse in complete disorder; to scatter like birds and beasts如鸟兽散 rú niǎo shòu sǎn flee helter-skelter; scatter like birds or wild animals; (of a group of people (an organization)) to flee in utter disorder如鸟兽散1. to flee helter-skelter; to be utterly routed如鸟兽散scatter and flee like birds and beasts; flee helter-skelter; be utterly routed




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