

释义 好1. easy2. fine3. good4. nice5. all right6. to love toABCABCABC★◀▶好 hǎoI s.v.goodII adv.1) very2) easy to这个问题好回答。 This question is easy to answer.III pref.good to好吃 good to eatIV suf.indicating completion我做好了。 I'm done; I've finished (it).弄好再走。 Finish (this) before going.V conj.so as to; so thatVI v. topo.topo. may; can; should我好进来吗? May I come in?好 hào1) like; be fond of他好表现自己。 He likes to show off.2) be liable to她好晕船。 She's susceptible to seasickness.好 hāowith care (好好)好hǎogoodwellpropergood toeasy toveryso(suffix indicating completion or readiness)(of two people) closeon intimate terms(after a personal pronoun) hellohàoto be fond ofto have a tendency toto be prone to好 v. 喜爱to like好动 be active小孩子总是好动的。 Children can just never sit still.他生性好静。 He has always been quiet.好打扮 like dressing up好交际 like socializing好管闲事 like getting involved in other people's business好表现自己 like showing off人各有所好。 Everyone has their own taste.唯仁者能好人,能恶人。 Only a truly benevolent person can appreciate others or dislike them. adv. 常常often容易easily小孩子病了,所以好哭。 The child cries easily because it is sick.他好发脾气。 He loses his temper easily.椅子做得不坚固,好坏。 The chairs are not built all that solidly, so they break easily.好 hǎo 形 (优点多的; 使人满意的) good; fine; nice:  好姑娘 a nice girl;  好年成 a good year;  好天气 nice (lovely) weather;  好消息 good news;  人民的好儿女 fine sons and daughters of the people;  你帮他的忙, 真太好了。 It's nice of you to help him.  庄稼长得真好。 The crops are doing well. (健康; 痊愈) be in good health; get well:  就年纪而论, 他的身体好极了。 His health is wonderful for a man of his age.  你好! Hello!  她现在身体比去年好了。 She is in better health now than (she was) last year.  我的病好了。 I'm well (all right) now.  (亲爱; 和睦; 友好) friendly; kind:  好朋友 great (good) friend;  他对妻子儿女很好。 He was kind with his wife and children.  他们从小就很好。 They have been close friends since childhood.  这两个孩子又好了。 The two children have become friends again. (用在动词后, 表示完成或达到完善的地步):  计划做好了吗? -- 还没做好。 Have you got the plan ready yet? -- No, not yet.  文章写好了。 The article has been finished.  午饭快准备好了。 Lunch is almost ready.  坐好吧, 要开会了。 Take your seats please. The meeting is going to begin. (容易) be easy (to do); be convenient:  暖瓶放在这儿好拿。 It's handy to have the thermos here.  这本书可不好买。 This book is not easily available.  这个问题好回答。 This question is easy to answer. (用在动词前, 表示使人满意的性质在哪方面):  这本小说很好看。 This novel is very interesting.  这支笔挺好使。 This pen writes very well.  这支歌很好听。 This is a very pleasant song.  这种鱼很好吃。 This fish is very tasty (delicious). 叹 (表示赞许、同意或结束等语气):  好, 就这么办。 O.K., it's settled.  好了, 不要再说了。 All right, no need to say any more.  我打开电视机好吗? --好, 请打开吧。 Shall I turn on the TV? -- Yes, please. (反话, 表示不满意或幸灾乐祸):  好, 这下可麻烦了。 Well, we're in for trouble now. 副 (便于) so as to; so that:  把她的地址告诉我, 我好找她。 Tell me her address so that I can go and see her.  把这件事做完,好再开始另一件。 Finish this so that you can start another.  别忘了带伞, 下雨好用。 Don't forget to take your umbrella in case it rains.  今儿早点睡, 明儿好早起赶火车。 Let's turn in early, so as to get up early tomorrow to catch the train. (用在数量词、时间词前面, 表示多或久):  好半天 quite a while;  好久 very long time; quite long;  好几个月 several months;  她上街买了好多东西。 She went shopping and bought quite a few things. (用在形容词、动词前, 表示程度深, 并带感叹语气):  好大的工程! What a huge project!  好冷啊! How cold it is!  好漂亮! How beautiful!  好深的一条河! What a deep river!  你这个人好糊涂! You are such a fool!  前些日子我好忙了一阵子。 I was quite busy some time ago.  这事好险哪! That was a near thing! (用在形容词前面问数量或程度, 用法跟 “多” 相同):  机场离这儿好远? How far is the airport from here? (用于套语):  好睡! Good night!  好走! Goodbye! 动 (方) (应该; 可以) may; can; should:  时间不早了, 你好走了。 It's getting late. You ought to get going.  我好进来吗? May I come in? 名 (指表扬的话或喝彩声):  讨好 curry favour with; ingratiate oneself with;  观众连声叫好。 The audience broke into loud cheers. (表示问候):  你去见着他,别忘了给我捎个好儿。 Don't forget to convey my regards when you see him.  向你的父母问好。 Give my love to your parents. 另见 hào。 2) 好 hào 动 (喜欢; 喜爱) like; love; be fond of:  好表现 like to show off;  虚心好学 be modest and eager to learn;  他好开玩笑。 He is fond of jesting. (易于) be liable to:  好发脾气 apt to lose one's temper;  好伤风 be subject to colds;  好晕船 be liable to seasickness; be a bad sailor 名 (姓氏) a surname:  好谦 Hao Qian 另见 hǎo。林语堂林语堂★◀▶好好 1401C50  93.93  部居  畫數 6ㄏㄠˇ [hao3]  (*ㄏㄠˋ [hao4] ).Vb. suffix.Indicating the voice of completion, similar to perfect tense, esp. 好了:好了沒有 have you finished? 做好了 have done;穿好衣裳 have put on dress;看好了電影 after seeing a movie;弄好再走 we'll finish this before going.V.i. & t.(*[hao4]) Have special liking for (+n. or adj.): 好酒,好色 fond of wine and women;好吃懶做 lazy and fond of food;他所喜好 (愛好) what he especially likes;嗜好 to be fond of, also fondness, weakness, hobby;好強 [hao3qiang2]↓;好高騖遠 idealistic, flighty.Adj.(1)  Good: 好人,好馬 a good man, horse;好戲 a good play;好評 good opinion, favorable comments;好人家兒的姑娘 girl from a decent family;好手(兒),好身手 a good hand, an expert, good skill;好天兒 a clear day;好事多磨 the course of true love never runs smooth.(2)  In good condition: 但願花常好 wish a flower could remain always so perfect;他問你好 he is asking about your health, sends his greetings.(3)  Like, good to, fond of (person): 兩人相好 the two are friends;跟他要好 is fond of him;和好,友好 friendly;買好,討好 try to please (s.o.).(4)  “Okay,”used to ask or give consent, approval: 好不好 or 好嗎 will you approve? what do you think? 好! all right, “okay”(consent, resignation or threat);叫好 applaud;好啊,好哇,好呀! good! good! 只好不去 it's best (the only good way) not to go.Adv.(1)  Well: 做得好,說得好,唱得好 well done, well said, well sung;這一巴掌打得好 that is a good slap.(2)  Easy to: 好做,好寫 easy to do, easy to write;價錢好說 (in haggling) price can be discussed.(3)  Good to: 好吃,好看 good to eat, to look at;好受 makes one feel good.(4)  Very, how very: 好沒臉 how very embarrassed;好久 very long time;好半天 a good half-day;好狠 how very cruel;好高興 very excited;好喜歡,好快活 very happy;好美 how pretty!好討厭 very disgusting;好難受,好難過 feel very painful.(5)  In certain idioms: 好容易 or 好不容易 with much difficulty (done finally);好不應兒,好不當兒 for no reason whatsoever: 好不應兒的生什麼氣 what on earth are you angry about? 好好的,好端端的 for what (or no) reason: 好好的怎麼哭了 why are you crying? 好好的 [hao3hao3de0]↓.Conj.So that, so as: 你有個決定,我好回 (他) please decide, so that I can give a report (to my master);你交代下來,我好去叫他 give me the word, so that I can send for him;書看完留著,好送朋友 keep the book when you have finished, as you may find it convenient to give it to a friend.Excl.Prefaced to phr. showing strong disapproval: 好傢伙,好雜種 you bastard! 好一個不要臉的東西 what a shameless fellow! 你幹的這件好事 what a pretty mess you have made!Words1. 好辦 [hao3ban4], phr., easy to do: 不好辦 difficult to do.2. 好辯 *[hao4bian4], adj., fond of arguing, contentious.3. 好比 [hao2bi3], phr., as good as, suppose, it is as if: 好比說 it's like saying, for example; 我好比是你的父親 I am as good as a father to you; 好比他死了 suppose that he is dead.4. 好不 [hao3bu4], adv. phr., very (oft. =好 but more emphatic): 好不傷心 (=好傷心) how sad; 好不耐煩 how impatient, also the reverse (好耐煩) how very patient; 好不容易 with great difficulty, also the reverse (好容易) very easy; 好不高興 very exciting (好高興), also the reverse (不高興) depressing.5. 好強 *[hao4qiang2], adj., stubborn, unwilling to play second fiddle, loving to excel others, self-confident.6. 好奇 *[hao4qi2], adj., curious, inquisitive: 好奇心 curiosity, inquisitiveness.7. 好處 [hao3chu4], n., good points, benefits, advantages.8. 好歹 [hao2dai3], (1) adv., in any case (good or bad), regardless: 好歹你信先發了再說 anyway have the letter sent and then see; (2) referring to some contingency: 萬一有個好歹 if something should happen.9. 好大 *[hao4da4], adj., as in 好大喜功 flamboyant, ambitious for great achievements.10. 好感 [hao3gan3], phr., sympathy, good impression, friendly feeling: 給人一個好感 give people a good impression.11. 好個 [hao3ge1], adj., good, wonderful (in praise): 好個太太 what a wonderful wife; 好個美人 what a beauty!12. 好過 [hao3guo4], adj., (1) comfortable, nice, enjoyable: 心裡好過 feel good; (2) 日子好過 live comfortably.13. 好好的 [hao2hao3de0] (sp. pr. [hao3hao1de0]), adv., (1) well: 好好的念書 study well; (2) for no reason suddenly: 好好的忽然辭職不幹 for no reason he suddenly resigned; 好好端端的 ditto; 好好先生 [hao2hao3]) a man who is always polite and never says no, a good fellow.14. 好漢 [hao3han4], n., a gallant, a stout-hearted, plucky fellow.15. 好合 [hao3he2], v.i., live happily together: 夫婦好合 conjugal felicity, connubial happiness.16. 好幾 [hao2ji0], adj., a good many (days, persons).17. 好交 *[hao4jiao1], adj., sociable, gregarious, having many friends.18. 好勁 [hao3jin4], excl., an exclamation of surprise.19. 好久 [hao2jiu3], adj. phr., a good long time.20. 好轉 [hao2zhuan3], v.i. & n., a turn for the better.21. 好看 [hao3kan4], adj., good-looking, enjoyable to see: 這戲很好看 it's a delightful play.22. 好兒 [hao3er0], n., a favor: 人家對偺們有個好兒 he has done us a good turn.23. 好癩 [hao3lai4], adv., (coll.) regardless, good and bad, in any case (=好歹).24. 好萊塢 [hao3lai2wu1], n., (translit.) Hollywood.25. 好色 *[hao4se4], phr., fond of women.26. 好尚 *[hao4shang4], n. & v.t., personal hobbies, inclinations, what one values and loves.27. 好勝 *[hao4sheng4], adj., loving to excel others, ambitious.28. 好生 [hao3sheng1], adv., (1) carefully, well: 來,好生睡 be a good boy and go to sleep; 好生聽你爸爸的話 listen carefully to your father's advice; (2) very: 好生可憐 very pitiful; (3) (*[hao4sheng1]) 上天好生之德 Heaven’s (God's) care for every living thing.29. 好像 [hao3xiang4], (1) conj., as though, as if: 好像是親生的一樣 as if the child were her own; conj., 好像什麼大事情 as if ti were some great event; (2) perhaps, seem to, look like: 好像有這麼一回事 I seem to remember the affair; 好像他不能來 it looks like he cannot come; 好像可能 seems possible; 好像已經走了 seems to have left.30. 好笑 [hao3xiao4], adj., funny, laughable: 這事有什麼好笑 what is so funny about this?31. 好些 [hao3xie1], (1) adj., a good many (days, persons); (2) ([hao3xie0]) adj., a little better.32. 好心 [hao3xin1], adj., good-hearted.33. 好受 [hao3shou4], adj., pleasurable, comfortable, feeling good, see [hao3guo4]↑.34. 好事 [hao3shi4]1, phr., (1) good thing, a charitable act; (2) (Budd.) 作好事 say prayers, mass for the dead; phr., (3) (*[hao4shi4]) adj., prone to take up things not strictly one's duty and perhaps get into trouble.35. 好是 [hao3shi4]2, phr., very: 好是奇怪 is very strange.36. 好學 *[hao4xUe2], adj., fond of learning and scholarship.37. 好使 [hao2shi3], phr., in order that: 寫一封信,好使他知道 write a letter in order that he may know about it.38. 好死 [hao2si3], phr., die a natural death: 不得好死 (he) will be punished for this, will die an unnatural death.39. 好在 [hao3zai4], phr., the important thing is; luckily: 好在他不在車中 luckily he was not in the car (during the accident); 好在你還有三個兒子 the important thing is, you still have three sons left (don't feel too bad); 好在有許多朋友幫忙 fortunately you have so many friends to help you.40. 好玩 [hao3wan2], adj., entertaining, playful, cute.41. 好望角 [hao3wang4jiao3], n., Cape of Good Hope.42. 好意 [hao3yi4], n., good intentions, friendly motive: 他來是好意 he came with good intentions; adv., cordially: 好意招待 welcome cordially.43. 好音 [hao3yin1], phr., good news.好好的 [hao2hao3de0] (sp. pr. [hao3hao1de0]), adv., (1) well: 好好的念書 study well; (2) for no reason suddenly: 好好的忽然辭職不幹 for no reason he suddenly resigned; 好好端端的 ditto; 好好先生 [hao2hao3]) a man who is always polite and never says no, a good fellow.好a.GO〈俚〉好的,行的good好的;出色的pretty〈口〉〈常讽〉妙的,好的Nice〈口〉好的,合宜的;好心的,友好的cool〈口〉[用于表示接受或同意某事]好的grand〈口〉好的;快乐的;称心的honest〈主英〉好的,无过错的elegant〈口〉上等的,好的worthy值得敬重的;优秀的,好的ridge〈澳俚〉好的;行的;货真价实的clever〈方〉好的;使用方便的;合适的;令人满意的Pat好的,正好的dodger〈澳俚〉好的;极好的gnarly〈美口〉好的,呱呱叫的wally好的,第一流的jammy〈英口〉好的,第一流的;运气好的;有利可图的;合意的jake行,好;令人满意的;出色的,第一流的irie好的,不错的;令人满意的bosker〈澳新俚〉好的,极好的;愉快的budgeree〈澳方〉好的,绝妙的good-oh〈澳新口〉好的ad.NOW[用以引出后面的话、改变口气、加强语气或表示安慰、惊奇、恐吓、命令、请求、责备等]喏;好;嗳well好;妥善地;有利地;令人满意(或愉快)地good〈口〉好;完全地;充分地;恰当地right好;合适地,恰当地;符合要求地yes[用以表示肯定的回答,no之对]是,是的;好的lekker好;令人满意地good-oh好 (= well)int.right〈口〉好,行;对check〈主美口〉行,好OK行,好bully〈口〉好,妙done[表示同意]行,好hurrah[表示高兴、 满意、 鼓励等的呼喊声]好,好哇;万岁yay[表示喜悦、赞成、鼓励等]好的,不错righto〈主英口〉好,行;对啦whizzo[表示高兴]好,绝啦good-oh〈旧〉[表示赞许、同意等]好, 行achha行,好n.well好;成功;幸运phr.à la bonne heure好的,行;极好I wouldn't say no〈口〉[表示同意]好的will do〈口〉[省略主语,表示愿意遵照他人的请求去做]好的,行by all means好的,当然可以well and good好;令人满意nice one〈英口〉[表示赞成、同意]好的,不错好1. good; fine2. friendly; fine3. completed; done4. easy5. easily\\hao\\ㄏㄠˋ\\1·to be fond of2. to wish; to yearn for双向☞好--产气杆菌属双向☞好--晴好[hǎo]形1. good; fine; nice♦ ~人 a nice person♦ 天气真~。 The weather's really nice.2. friendly; kind♦ ~朋友 a good (or great) friend♦ 他们对我真~。 They are really kind to me.3. be in good health; get well♦ 我的病~了。 I'm well (or all right) now.♦ 你~哇! How are you?4. be ready; done♦ 饭~了。 The food (or rice) is ready.5. used after verbs to indicate finishing or finishing satisfactorily♦ 这件事他做不~。 He can't do that job well.副1. (used before verbs) be good to; be easy to♦ 这个问题~回答。 This question is easy to answer.♦ 这本书可不~买。 This book is not easily available.♦ 暖瓶放在这儿~拿。 It's handy to have the thermos here.2. the better to; in order to; so that♦ 今儿早点睡, 明儿~早起赶火车。 Let's turn in early, so as to get up early tomorrow to catch the train.♦ 把她的地址告诉我, 我~找她。 Tell me her address so that I can go and see her.3. (used before adjectives with exclamatory force) very; quite; so♦ 今天~冷。 Today is quite cold.♦ 你~大胆子。 You are so daring.♦ ~大的工程! What a huge project!4. (used before adjectives in the same way as 多) to what extent; how♦ 火车站离这儿~远? How far is the railway station from here?5. (used before indefinite numbers) quite a few♦ ~几个 quite a few♦ ~几天 quite a few days♦ ~半天 quite a while叹(used at the beginning of a sentence or clause, to express agreement, disapproval, surprise, etc.)♦ ~, 就这么办。 O.K., it's settled.另见hào好[hào]动1. like; love; be fond of♦ ~说话 like to talk♦ ~表现 like to show off♦ ~跳舞 love dancing♦ ~喝酒 be fond of drinking♦ ~管闲事 meddlesome; officious2. be liable to♦ ~晕船 be liable to seasickness; be a bad sailor♦ ~伤风 be subject to colds; catch cold easily另见 hǎo




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