

单词 失散
释义 失散1. to be out of touch with somebody失散 shīsànbe scattered/dispersed一些重要的档案在战争中失散了。 Some important documents were scattered during the war.失散shīsànto lose touch withmissingscatteredseparated from失散离散to be separated散失to lose书都失散了。 The books have all been lost.小孩在人群中跟父母失散了。 The child got separated from its parents in the crowd.失散 shī sàn be separated from and lose touch with each other; be scattered失散 [shi1san4], v.i., scatter, disperse.失散a.lost迷失的,失散的;迷路的失散be separated from and lose touch with each other; be scattered♦ 手稿的后一部分~了。 The last part of the manuscript is lost.




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