

单词 天灾
释义 文馨英漢☞天災天灾 tiānzāinatural disaster天灾natural disaster天灾 tiān zāi natural disaster (calamity); act of God天灾n.plague〈口〉天灾,灾难,祸患phr.war of the elements风暴;天灾an act of God不可抗力,天灾(对由此带来的损失不得要求赔偿)天灾1. a natural disaster; an act of God; an act of Nature; a natural calamity; a convulsion of nature天灾Act of god双向☞天灾--不可抗力双向☞自然灾害--天灾天灾natural disaster (or calamity)♦ 遭受~ suffer natural disasters~人祸 natural and man-made calamities




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