

单词 大雨如注
释义 大雨如注1. the heavy rain pours down in torrents大雨如注 dàyǔrúzhùThe rain came down in sheets.大雨如注dàyǔrúzhùpouring with rainrain bucketing down大雨如注 dà yǔ rú zhù Rain falls in torrents.; Down comes the rain, solid as though from a waterfall.; It's raining cats and dogs.; It's raining in torrents.; It rains like fury.; The heavy rain pours down in (like) torrents.; The rain comes down in cataracts (sheets).; The rain falls in a perfect deluge.; The rain is pouring down.大雨如注vi.sile〈主英方〉滑下;流下;大雨如注




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