

单词 大是大非
释义 大是大非 dàshì-dàfēicardinal questions of right and wrong大是大非一定要分清。 One must be clear in one's mind as to what's right and what's wrong.大是大非major matters of principle大是大非之争 conflict of principles分清大是大非 make one's principles clear大是大非 dà shì dà fēi major issues (matters) of principle; cardinal questions of right and wrong; cardinal (major) issues of right and wrong; (between) right and wrong on cardinal issues:  分清大是大非 draw clear distinctions concerning cardinal issues of right and wrong 大是大非1. right and wrong on issues of major importance大是大非major matters of principle; cardinal questions of right and wrong♦ 分清~ draw clear distinctions concerning cardinal issues of right and wrong; distinguish between right and wrong on cardinal issues




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