

单词 大惊失色
释义 文馨英漢☞大驚失色大惊失色 dàjīngshīsèturn pale with fright大惊失色dàjīngshīsèto turn pale with fright (idiom)大惊失色形容非常惊恐,吓得变了脸色to be petrified; to turn pale in shock听到这个消息,厂长吓得大惊失色。 The factory director turned pale on hearing the news.大惊失色 dà jīng shī sè be frightened and change color; be greatly frightened; be (turn) pale with fear; be so terrified that one's face turns pale; change countenance for fear; get such a big scare that color goes out of one's face; turn pale with fright:  她发现孩子不见了,大惊失色。 When she discovered her baby had disappeared, she was greatly frantic. 大惊失色a.wheyfaced(吓得)脸色煞白的,大惊失色的大惊失色1. to turn pale with fright大惊失色turn pale with fright




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